Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Speeding – Kyle Sutton, CO, 88/80, $101; Yury Kashubin, AR, 84/70, $130; Maria Escobar, Jackson, 89/80, $103; Talon L. Tucker, SD, 90/80, $105; Nuchem Hammerman, NY, 92/80, $120; James C. Schnepf, IN, 80/70, $105; (minor), PA, 89/80, $103; Anita Record, Gillette, 85/75, $105; Lance Nickel, PA, 94/80, $130; Baird Morrish, CO, 85/75, $105; Erica Judge, WI, 80/70, $105; Jacob Oomens, Rawlins, 87/80, $99; Jason Lynch, WA, 84/75, $103; Nicole D. Mollman, SD, 94/80, $130; Matthew Welke, Wright, 81/75, $97
No Left Side Mirror – Joseph Ryan, Moorcroft, $90
Fail to Drive on Right Side of Roadway – John...