Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

This Week at Your Library

The library will be closed on Monday, May 31, for Memorial Day. We are still doing curbside and delivery if you would prefer not to come inside. The statewide mask mandate has ended, but if you want to wear a mask in the library, we have masks available. Teens and children are encouraged to come in and use the computers and kid’s iPads. The meeting room is open for meetings, parties, etc. Please call the library for more information and availability. If you are a master gardener, will you please contact the library? We would like to have some gardening programs, and need a master gardener to lead them. Thanks! Thanks to the generosity of Les Fullerton’s family, we now have the Les Fullerton Memorial that is paying for InterLibrary Loan requests, as long as the money lasts. If you would like to contribute to this memorial to keep InterLibrary Loans free for our patrons, please let us know.

Displays: Katie Allen with the Be Well Coalition has a display in the library for Mental Health Awareness Month. In the locked cases, we have Precious Moments/Mother’s Day figurines and Donna Allen’s teapots.

Library Programming: GIB YOUNG, AS THEODORE ROOSEVELT, will be here on Monday, June 28, at 7 p.m. CROOK COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD meeting Thursday, June 3, at 1 p.m. in Moorcroft. CROOK COUNTY LIBRARY FOUNDATION BOARD meeting Wednesday, July 21, at 5:30 p.m. in Moorcroft. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY meeting Tuesday, June 1, at 11:30 a.m. They will be discussing the Country Junkin’ sale and the Spring/Summer Luncheon. EDUCATIONAL TV: We are streaming the Crook County Commissioner meetings on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month. When there are no meetings, we will be running educational videos.

New Fiction: PULSE, Dick Francis Novels #7, by Felix Francis. THE INN AT ROSE HARBOR, Rose Harbor #1, by Debbie Macomber.

New Large Print Fiction: OCEAN PREY, Lucas Davenport # 31, by John Sandford.

New Books on CD: BLACKBERRY BEACH, Hope Harbor #7, by Irene Hannon. DESTINED FOR YOU, Ladies of the Lake #1, by Tracie Peterson.

New Young Adult: STAIN by A.G. Howard.

New Junior Non-Fiction: SLEEPY SNOOZY COZY COOZY by Judy Young.

New Junior Fiction: THE FIRST RULE OF PUNK by Celia C. Perez. THE THIEF KNOT by Kate Millford.

New Picture Books: DADDY HUGS by Nancy Tafuril.

New Board Books: ELMER’S COLORS by David McKee. LLAMA LLAMA NIGHTY-NIGHT by Anna Dewdney.

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