Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
Mar. 17, 1921
Rev. N.E. Wood met with a painful accident Thursday while doing some decorating work at the Citizens Bank. The scaffolding broke and dropped him to the floor. The result was a badly wrenched ankle and other bruises. As Mr. Wood was unable to conduct services Sunday, the regular service was presided over by M.C. Roberts.
The combined fair committees of the commercial club and farm bureau had a meeting last week and decided to engage a livestock judge immediately. It is proposed to hold a real livestock exhibit this year, and some splendid premiums will be awarded.
75 Years Ago
Mar. 14, 1946
V.C. Inman who operated the Carlile Service Station for one year last week sold his business to Tom Elsom of Gillette, who has already taken possession. Inman will go back to California.
Leonard Felton, ex G.I. who has operated the Sandwich Shop in Sundance since November 15 of last year is relinquishing that business to Dick Dudrey April 1 and will attend a barber college at either Denver, Colo. or Omaha, Nebraska.
Claude E. Seely and Ed Mathews returned to Sundance Sunday from a cattle buying trip that took them into old Mexico where they purchased a car load of Jersey milk cows and one car of yearlings. Mathews reported that cattle were selling at very high prices in Mexico.
50 Years Ago
Mar. 18, 1971
Delegate and alternates to Wyoming Girls State were selected by the American Legion Auxiliary during a meeting held Tuesday evening. Pat Talley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Talley, Jr., was named delegate with Jean Peterson first alternate and Janet Cole second alternate. Parents of the alternates are Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cole. The girls are all juniors at Sundance high school.
Hulett mayor, Jack Vinnedge resigned his position during the March meeting of the Hulett town council. Vinnedge had been elected mayor in May, 1970. Councilman Dick Bush was named acting mayor after the council accepted Vinnedge’s resignation.