Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Recently Sundance Councilman Joe Wilson and I attended the March Crook County Commissioners meeting. We asked the commissioners to form a solid waste district in Crook County.

After a discussion was held on the subject, a motion was made and seconded to not form a district. The vote was taken, it was two to one not to form a Solid Waste District.

Commissioners Dennis and Whalen completely ignored the survey they authorized two years ago. The survey was approximately 60 percent in favor of forming a Solid Waste District.

Commissioners Dennis and Whalen are the keepers of the gate. They evidently feel that they know what is best for the residents of Crook County because they chose to not let the voters decide for themselves. Perhaps they thought that you, the voter would make the wrong decision.

Thanks Commissioner Devish for believing that Crook County voters have the intelligence to decide what would be the best for ourselves. I feel that two commissioners forget they represent 7000 Crook County residents, not a minority of land owners. In my opinion they should have let the voters decide on such an important issue.

Thank you,

Dick Claar

Dear Editor,

Our local school activities impact on our communities.

As our local Junior High and High School Basketball and Wrestling seasons are coming to a close, many of us are feeling the loss of the unifying effect our local student sports have on our community. With COVID restrictions, our sporting events have been significantly restricted our opportunities to come together as a community.

Our pride in our community is expressed through the efforts of your young people through our support of their sports efforts to include our relatively new cheerleading program, the arts and music programs, and their academic events.

As our state and local governments open up, I think that it bears recognizing the continued importance of all of the effort put forth in support of our local youth activities to include: the coaches mentoring our young people in the pursuit of excellence in their sports and character, the teachers that continue to educate our student and hold them accountable for their academics as well as their selected activities to sustain their eligibility, the bus drivers who get our students safely to and from their activities safely, the parents that support their childrens’ efforts academically and with their activities and by modeling character and sportsmanship, our local businesses that support our students and our local populace that benefit from the unifying spirit centered around our school activities, and to include the efforts of our student athletes and students who pour their heart and souls into their sports and activities.

Let’s please remember that the spring offers other opportunities to come together as a community and we need to as citizens continue to participate in the political processes that ensure that our community and students get to fully participate with all regards to real safety. Stay posted on the Crook1 Website and pick your campus of choice.

We, as community members, have a responsibility to continue to be involved and educated to ensure unfair and unnecessary restrictions are not placed on our students and community in coming together to ensure all the benefits that arise from that community involvement to include community health and wellness. We truly are better together!

Carol Jordan

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