Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Greater Hulett Community Center Board

Jan. 21

The GHCC Board Inc. met on January 21, 2021. Present were Bobbi Butler, Julia Dirks, Melissa Bears, Heather Shoun and Michelle McLerran Kreisler, program director.

Motion to approve the minutes with the correction of 80/20 for insurance, Dirks/Shoun, mc.

Treasurer’s report was given. Discussion was held on an account at First Interstate Bank. Also checks will be ordered for the Pinnacle Bank Account.

The next turkey shoot meeting will be Wed. Jan. 27 at 2:30 p.m.

Director Report: Michelle reported on purchasing new computer and printer. Once we pay for it we will be reimbursed by the WCF. She has received her cell phone for the GHCC. Discussion was held on the GHCC Facebook page and website. It was the consensus that a new Facebook page would be created and Jub Jub would be contacted to see if there could be links.

Events: Feb. 13 Cheerleader Banquet and the Turkey shoot will begin on April 29th. Also scheduled is the Lincoln Day Dinner.

Bears had submitted an application for a county CARES grant back in December but the deadline was extended to January 25th. A motion was made to approve the submission of the application to the Crook County Clerk, Shoun/Dirks, mc. The paperwork has been gathered and an explanation will have to be written about the check that was written in one year but deposited in the following year, showing a large income for 2019.

Motion was made to spend up to $2,000 on a new treadmill and a recumbent bike, Shoun/Dirks, mc.

Bears will call Sundance Bank to see if their credit card limit could be raised for this and the purchase of the computer and printer.

Kreisler asked about purchasing chairs for her office. The board stated that $300 was allocated for improvements to the office so it would be ok.

The turkey shoot was discussed and how COVID may impact it as well as some event changes. An on-line auction was discussed and purchasing guns and some of the challenges.

Next meeting will be Feb. 18th at 5 p.m.

Meeting adjourned.

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