Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Holy crap, who knew! There really is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I discovered this after attending the January 6 Crook County Commissioners meeting, at which they held a hearing concerning the request to establish a county wide Solid Waste Tax Assessment District to support Moorcroft’s city dump.

I was astounded to hear Moorcroft’s Mayor state at this meeting, that if only we would agree to access all of the property owners in Crook County an additional three mills of tax, on top of what they may already be paying to dispose of their trash, everyone might be able to use Moorcroft’s city dump at no charge!

Now, if you believe that, then please contact me, as I have a bridge across Keyhole Reservoir that I would like to sell to someone.

Seriously, I, like I imagine most people, thought that after the initial feasibility study done several years ago pertaining to this matter (which incidentally the county contributed money to the study), showed that it was economically unfeasible to sustain the operation of Moorcroft’s facility due mainly to the cost of having to comply with Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) more stringent rules and regulations. I assumed at that time the issue had been put to rest, but apparently that is not the case now.

As much as I sympathize with Moorcroft getting screwed over by the Wyoming DEQ, I do not believe that a viable solution to their problem of potentially having to close their dump is to tax all of the property owners in Crook County in order to subsidize the continued operation of their facility.

If you agree with me, then you need to contact our Crook County Commissioners before their next meeting in February and tell them so and/or attend that meeting in mass in order to help them do the right thing. After all, it is your money at stake here, whether your trash is taken to Moorcroft’s dump or elsewhere.

Skip Waters


Dear Editor,

Does your vote really matter? According to current Republican standards newly opposed to constitutional norms, the answer is “NO”. One has only to observe what our state’s newest Senator and other Republican leaders uphold as their idea of a fair election.

Exhibit A: By the newest Republican leadership standards, it seems perfectly appropriate for one state to tell another state how to run and certify their elections, leaving the Constitutional bounds of states’ rights in question. In other words, it’s now alright for, say…Texas to tell Wyoming how to run and certify our elections.

Thankfully, the Supreme Court rejected this foolish nonsense sponsored by a variety of Republican elected officials and states’ attorneys general, including willing support by some of Wyoming’s local Republican leadership.

Exhibit B: Apparently, only states that had close elections totals which did not favor Republican candidates had “questionable” outcomes, including Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and poor ol’ Georgia. Those named states had to endure an onslaught of legal objections (up to 60 separate lawsuits) at great cost to state coffers and health risks to thousands of election officials and volunteers.

All named states counted ballots in disputed districts, at least twice, before certification. Poor ol’ Georgia was forced to count ballots three times, double check signatures on absentee ballots at least twice, and undergo one more final independent audit that also included close inspection of voting machines.

No abnormal change in counts or other abnormalities were ever found before certification. Period. To top it off, Georgia’s executive leaders also had to endure public harassment and private threats by a petulantly vindictive U.S. President advocating for unlawful acts to change the certified counts in his favor.

Is this really the only way Republicans can win a popular national vote? What happened to Republican principals of states’ rights and respect for the law? If nothing is offered to win voter approval except lies, then voters are not likely to provide support.

That is why a majority of voters did NOT favor the Republican candidate for President, yet DID favor their local Republican officials. Generally, folks don’t embrace bold faced lies or grifting behaviors and their votes affirmed that sentiment.

Exhibit C: Lastly, and not least, as outlined by the Constitution, Congress’ sole duty in the election process is to open the state certified Electoral College ballots (ones that have survived ALL meaningful legal challenges before ever being sent to Congress). At that time, each state’s electoral votes are announced, voted on, and when approved, are officially registered into the Congressional record.

This last process is considered mostly ceremonial, not as one more excruciating layer of legal review, because logically, the best opportunity to address grievances is BEFORE ballots are certified by the states; once again, an acknowledgement of states’ rights to determine their own representation.

For those who support a republic form of democracy as opposed to an authoritarian federalist approach, recent shifts in Republican Party tactics have left some Republican supporters confused, stunned and disgusted, this writer included. In truth, there was NO stolen election. No need to “Stop The Steal” that NEVER happened.

Call me a RINO, if you wish…or anything else you desire. I cannot be compelled to support poor quality party leadership or other idiocy, like willfully attaching and harming other Americans when the majority has chosen someone you don’t like. They are our fellow Americans, many of whom are veterans who fought for your rights. Please show some respect.

Pat Liebsack

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