Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Dear Editor,
Are we being bullied?
I am grateful that our kids get to go to school in person and play sports and have noted how fortunate I am to live in a region of the country that hasn’t held its citizens hostage to such a degree as other areas of our country, but in this case I think we have a threat of being bullied.
In a letter dated December 10, 2020, addressed to the fans but sent to parents, it was noted that in an effort to not affect the kids’ post-season play, the parents and community could be kept from attending sporting events and supporting the young people of our communities if individuals didn’t comply with the mask mandate.
“We have been told by the WHSAA that if we are in violation of these guidelines that we will be issued two warnings & then the 3rd strike our team is out of post season play. We will not allow our fans to prematurely end our sports seasons, therefore if we are issued a 1st warning we will end spectator participation until the post season.” (Noted letter)
After the publication of the guidelines in the paper last week, researching the WHSAA website and associated documents, CDC guidelines, the State of Wyoming Guidelines, and Crook County Guidelines, there is nothing documented about punishing the students or other citizens if an individual violates the mask mandate that is documented much less enforceable.
If this ruling is applied to Wyoming High School sports, is it an abuse of power and punishing Wyoming Youth and communities for the action of offenders of the mask mandate?
If this threat has been made by WHSAA to our schools, it conflicts with WHSAA’s own statement: “By promoting activities, the WHSAA establishes its belief that Wyoming youth gain immeasurable values from these programs and reaffirms its conviction that excellence in education can be achieved through activities.” (WHSAA defined)
According to the statute under which the Health Department put for the mandate, it holds individuals accountable not their children or the rest of the community.
As far as the legitimacy of the mask mandate and other legislation, we as citizens have a responsibility to become informed and work with our elected and appointed officials to find better solutions, i.e. holding them to the criteria of determinations of mandates as in providing the epidemiologic evidence of local effects and efficacy with public health decisions. Unfortunately, just complaining doesn’t cause things to change. Please educate yourself and get involved.
The final point regarding the three strike rule if attempted to put in place and enforced, it is fraught with problems and warrants further consideration as to its validity. As far as if we are being bullied in the name of public health? By definition, bullying is seeking to harm, intimidate or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable).
Trying to get citizens to comply with a mandate by holding student activities hostage is bullying by hitting where we are vulnerable, our care and concern for our children and therefore meets the definition of bullying.
Please write and call policy makers if you are concerned.
Thank you!
Carol Jordan