Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
1. Basketball/Wrestling
a. Student Athletes
i. Will be screened daily before practice or school, before getting onto the bus, and/or before going into the locker room for practice and games.
ii. Will wear face coverings at all times when they are with their teams (i.e., locker room, practice, buses, games, etc.) except when participating in practice, during warm-ups, and while on the court during the game.
iii. Will social distance in locker rooms and on the bus when possible.
iv. Will wash hands regularly.
v. Bring their own water bottle.
vi. There will be assigned seating for team personnel when not participating. Home team personnel will use Southeast section and visiting team will use the Northeast section. Team personnel will not be in the crowd with the fans.
vii. Each of the team personnel will be given tickets (wrist bands in our case) in which they will distribute to family.
b. Officials and Event Personnel
i. All event personnel and officials are asked to check in with the site administrator for appropriate screening.
ii. Face coverings will be required while in the building. Officials may remove coverings during the game.
c. Spectators
i. Face coverings are required for all spectators at all times. The WHSAA has changed the definition of a face covering, which is “means a covering of cloth, fabric, or other soft or permeable material, without holes, that covers the nose and mouth and surrounding areas of the lower face. Face shields do not meet this definition and therefore, are not allowed as a replacement for face covering.”
ii. There will be no food or beverage allowed in the school building.
iii. Home spectators will be assigned to the West stands, across from the scorer’s table. Visiting spectators will set in the assigned section in the East stands, behind the scorer’s table.
iv. Indoor events will be limited to 100 spectators in the high school gym and 50 in the middle school gym. Space will be split 60/40 between the home and visitors. We will give wrist band for entrance into the games. We will have a different color for boys and girls, we will clear the gym between games. You will only be allowed to watch the games of the gender that your ticket allows.
v. All fans are asked to go through the screening process which will be to acknowledge that you have read the signs and symptoms information and are able to answer no to all the questions. This will also state that you understand you are required to wear a face covering while you are in the school building.
vi. All children 8th grade and under will be required to sit with their family pods or adults in the gym.
We apologize for the inconveniences that this causes but, we are doing what we can for our athletes to have a season.
Please plan to wear face coverings and social distance at all WHSAA and Sundance events at this time. Failure to follow procedures could cause our teams to lose post season eligibility. So please, if you don’t plan to wear face coverings and social distance, please don’t plan to attend.
WHSAA Screening/Monitor Questions: (If you answer yes for any unexplained reason to these questions we ask that you not attend WHSAA events) - Fever/Chills – Cough – Sore Throat – Shortness of Breath – Fatigue – Head/Muscle/Body Aches – New Loss of Taste/Smell – Congestion/Runny Nose – Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea – Close Contact, or cared for anyone with COVID 19 – Temp Above 100.4