Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

In my opinion we are over populated with mountain lions again. People are seeing them regularly and cars hitting them on the road.

A few years ago Senator Driskill got a meeting with the Wyoming Game and Fish in Hulett to allow more lions to be hunted.

I wonder if we should have another meeting? In our area west of Hulett the deer numbers are really down.

Brad Clark

Dear Editor,

In the November 12, 2020, issue of the Sundance Times, Mr. Feeney suggested that I should rethink my position on tax increases because the measure (Senior mill levy) passed by a large margin. He goes on to say in essence, “I’m from California and moved here for the low taxes, but....” This is the exact same argument that many people make about our right to keep and bear arms: “I support the Second Amendment, but….”

The point of my original letter was that year by year, taxes tend to accumulate and never disappear. Each one in itself always seems to have a good reason to extract money from our pocketbooks and hand over to the taxing authority for them to distribute to others.

Eventually, you have what I stated in my letter, states like our neighbors in Colorado and especially in California. It becomes so burdensome that they then flee to other states looking for a fresh start. This is the mindset in Jackson.

I believe I stated my opinion and left it to the reader to come to their own conclusion, and they did. The people have voted and we’ll all pay more, year after year.

Mac Frank