Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
Nov. 18, 1920
Jack Belshe’s coal mint got to working in good shape last Thursday and regular trips have been made since. The high school got coal just in time to avoid closing down. Mr. Belshe’s team brings 6000 pounds to a trip, and at this rate he will in a short time have all Sundance smiling again.
Ike Dudrey left Sunday for Upton with Hurley Mitts, Dr. Clarenbach and Mayor Roberts, who are called to Newcastle on the Hickey trial, which was postponed from last week on account of the absence of leading witnesses. Sheriff Hurtt was compelled to make another trip to North Fork from Newcastle to get these witnesses. Ike Dudrey will spot his Ford truck on the Upton end of the mail road and meet a team at the end of snow until such time as the truck can go through again.
75 Years Ago
Nov. 15, 1945
Over 1000 persons witnessed the final dedication ceremonies of the Crook County World War II Honor Roll Memorial held in Sundance Armistice Day. Though the day was quite cold, the large crowd stood outside grouped around the native stone monument during the hour long ceremonies. Carl Nelson, commander of Roy Montgomery Post No. 80 of Hulett, served as Master of Ceremonies while Fred Good, Commander of the Crook County Post 45 of Sundance made the actual dedication of the monument.
25 Years Ago
Nov. 16, 1995
Cold weather with a chilly wind did not stop a large crowd from turning out for the dedication of the new part of the War Memorial on Saturday. Wally Elwonger, chairman of the War Memorial Committee emceed the proceedings. The American Legion and VFW Posts advanced the colors to a drum roll played by Luke Edwards. The crowd recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Brittany Wales and Jennifer Geis sang the National Anthem. Marvin Massey gave the invocation. A welcome was given by Sundance mayor Jim Miller.