Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

Oct. 14, 1920

Sheriff J.C. Hurrt received word Wednesday that fire had destroyed the stacks, barn and corral of Hurtt Bros., at the ranch on Irish Divide, eighteen miles west of town. A rubbish fire had been left in the corral, and was supposed to be out. When the boys returned from a short trip, everything was in flames.

A story comes from Rocky Point telling how Charles Reynolds captured a coyote recently. Mr. Reynolds was mounted but had no gun. When the coyote jumped, Mr. Reynolds gave chase and his dog joined in. The coyote took refuge in a dead tree top and the dog mounted guard. Then Reynolds grabbed the varmint by one leg and gave him the giant swing. At this point the dog joined in again and held the animal while Mr. Reynolds cut his throat. While this method is perfectly successful, it is not recommended for rapid extermination of the pests.

75 Years Ago

Unofficially the Sundance hospital opened Monday when an operative case made it necessary to set ahead the opening by several weeks. Oct. 20 is the date the new hospital will fully open for service. Located at the former Harry Schloredt residence, the new hospital has accommodations for sixteen bed patients. Mrs. Glen Grubb, a registered nurse is in charge.

Last of the ornamental native stones was cemented in place Monday for Crook County’s War Memorial roll of honor. Finishing touches, including an acid bath, are now being applied. It is a truly imposing creation and one of which Crook county people may well be proud.

After almost four years spent as a Japanese prisoner, Lorenzo Rathbun is on his way back to the United States. This welcome word, the first since June, 1942, was received Saturday by his brother Chesney Rathbun of Carlile.

25 Years Ago

Oct. 12, 1995

A proposed auction of 14 acreages in the Moskee area by Homestake Mining Company has apparently prompted the Crook County Commissioners to put into effect an emergency temporary moratorium on changes in land use of building in the unincorporated areas of Crook County. The acreages were listed as scenic ranchettes ranging from 44-245 acres. They covered a total of 1157 acres. That auction has now been postponed.

Work started this week on preparing the site for the new veterans monument to be erected at the veterans memorial on courthouse square. The new monument, similar to the others is currently being engraved and Earl Gray of the veterans memorial committee said the stone will be set on its foundation sometime later this month. The monument will contain the names of those men and women from Crook County who have served in the armed forces since the Vietnam War.