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Serve up fire safety in the kitchen

It’s Fire Prevention Week across America, and this year’s theme is “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen”. Sundance’s Fire Marshal Chris Tomford would like to remind the community that now is the perfect time to tick off your family’s fire safety checklist.

As the theme of the week is related specifically to the kitchen, the first Fire Prevention Week recommendation this year is for a grown up to always pay attention to things that are cooking – and to watch the stovetop when frying, boiling, grilling or broiling. Always turn off the burner when leaving the kitchen, even for a short period of time.

The family kitchen safety checklist also recommends making sure that any item that could burn – such as dish towels or paper – are kept away from the stovetop, and making sure the stove and oven is clean of spilled food and grease.

Make sure pot handles are turned toward the back of the stove and keep children and pets at least three feet from the stove. Open containers slowly after removing them from the microwave, as hot steam can escape and cause burns.

The Fire Prevention Week checklist also recommends ensuring you have working smoke alarms on every level of the home, outside all sleeping areas and in each bedroom. Your family should also have a home fire escape plan and make sure to practice that plan.

Fire Prevention Week is about educating the community on simple but important actions you can take to keep yourself and your family safe.