Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County Weed and Pest Board


Crook County Weed & Pest

PO Box 7, 802 S. 11th Street

Sundance, WY 82729

Board Meeting – August 12, 2020

Checks written – July 31, 2020

Board Members present: LeRoy Curren, Vance Steedley, Kolby Wickwire and Wade Dennis.

Employees Present: Andrew Litzel and Kari Van Luvan

Others Present: Commissioner, Kelly Dennis, Allen and Judy Cowardin, Mark Loveland, and Don Kokesh

Chairman, LeRoy Curren called the regular Board Meeting of the Crook County Weed & Pest Board of Directors to order at 6:00 PM.

Wade Dennis made the motion to edit the agenda to move our guests to the top of the agenda and move all other items down and do the business portion after the guest have had a chance to speak. That way they could leave or stay as they so wish. Vance Steedley seconded it and motion passes.

Chairman LeRoy Curren invited Allen and Judy to speak first.

Allen and Judy are having issues with their neighbors not treating their Prairie Dogs and would like the Weed and Pests help int possibly getting the neighbors to treat their Prairie Dogs. A discuss was held with the Cowardin’s and the board on ways that we could work together to possibly get their neighbors to start treating the Prairie dogs on their land. The statutes were reviewed and discussed as well.

Vance Steedley made the motion to have Andrew send a certified letter to Fowlkes addressing the safety and land value concerns that having Prairie dogs can create. Also, the letter should outline the costs of various treatments and explain that there may be a possibility of working with surrounding neighbors to get the Prairie Dogs treated. The letter should address that all land within a quarter mile of any neighboring land should be treated. Kolby Wickwire seconded it and with all ayes motion passes.

Chairman LeRoy Curren invited Mark Loveland and Don Kokesh to speak.

Mark Loveland addressed the board on his concerns about the recent Grass Hopper Aerial Spray program. He reported that him and several others in his area, including Don; did not think that any of the spraying worked and that it was a waist of time and money. Don also had some concerns as to whether or not he signed up for spraying. He did not remember signing anything or wanting his acres sprayed. A discussion was held about ways to approve the program for the next season. Some of the items discussed were starting our surveys earlier, getting grants written, having a sign-up sheet and many more. Don and Mark both agreed that it sounded like a good plan and that they would get their bills paid.

Kolby Wickwire made a motion to approve the July 8, 2020 Board meeting minutes for the Budget Work session, Budget hearing and the Regular monthly meeting; as emailed with no corrections. Motion seconded by Vance Steedley; motion carried.

Wade Dennis made the motion to transfer $60,000.00 from the Special Management account to the Weed and Pest account in advance for the budget Administration Fees for the 2021 FY to cover the cost of this month’s bills with the intention to pay Special Management back as soon as possible. Vance Steedley Seconded it and motion passes.

A motion was made by Kolby Wickwire to approve the July expenditures in the amount of $194,582.06 on the Weed & Pest Account, and $169,445.60 on the Special Management Account, motion seconded by Wade Dennis. All ayes motion carried.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and filed for chairman so states.

Wade Dennis made the motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-01 Pre-Approval of Direct Deposit of Employee Wages, Salary and Payment of Payroll expenses. Kolby Wickwire seconded it and motion passes. (Copy of resolution in minutes)

Supervisors Report:

275+ acres of Leafy Spurge have been treated since last meeting

County Roads are about ½ way done.

Highways are done but the crew is doing some cleanup

Andrew attended another Natural Resource planning meeting and he gave his input on his committee portions.

Andrew’s diesel work truck has lost compression in the engine. A new engine is approximately $14,000 to $18, 000 to replace and the engine would be on back order. The board requested that Andrew file a claim with insurance to see if they will cover it. In the meantime, also get some prices on possible trading it in. Too look at trading it as is versus fixing it and trading it. Plus look at trading one or more of the other trucks we have here in the shop, plus the broken one for one good one. Andrew will get the numbers and report back at the next meeting.

Vance Steedley moved to adjourn the meeting 8:43 PM, Kolby Wickwire seconded and the motion passes.

Meeting adjourned at 7:41 PM

Respectfully submitted Kari Van Luvan

Attested Kolby Wickwire

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