Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County Weed and Pest Board


Crook County Weed & Pest

PO Box 7, 802 S. 11th Street

Sundance, WY 82729

Budget Workshop -July 8, 2020

Board Members Present: LeRoy Curren, Chip Neiman, Kolby Wickwire, Vance Steedley and Wade Dennis

Employees Present: Andrew Litzel and Kari Van Luvan

Others Present: Commissioner Kelly Dennis and Steve Stahla, later in meeting County Clerk Linda Fritz

The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. To discuss the budgets for the 2021FY

a. Weed and Pest

b. Special Management

Chairman LeRoy Curren called the special meeting of Crook County Weed & Pest Board of Directors to order at 3:00PM at the Crook County Weed and Pest conference room.

A motion was made by Wade Dennis to discuss the budgets. Chip Neiman seconded it and the motion passes.

Wade Dennis made the motion to make changes in Budget E-2.2, motion failed due to lack of second.

Motion made by Chip Neiman to discuss E-2.5; seconded by Wade Dennis, motion passes and a discussion was held.

Chip Nieman made the motion that the total amount of Andrew Litzel’s overtime should not exceed $12,000.00 for the 2021 FY; increase E-7.1 to a total of $9,000.00 to allow for the hiring of one additional seasonal employee and Kari Van Luvan’s total overtime should not exceed $1,000.00 for the 2021 FY. Supervisor Andrew Litzel will have the discretion to determine how overtime is earned for each employee as long as it does not exceed the amounts budgeted for the year. Vance Steedley seconded the motion, all ayes motion passes.

Wade Dennis made the motion that the hiring of any summer employee is under the full discretion of the supervisor, seconded by Chip Neiman, all ayes and motion passes.

Linda Fritz discussed payroll and gave a presentation on how they do payroll in her office.

Chip Neiman made the motion that effective immediately we start using the vouchers and payroll forms Linda presented and for all employees to start filling out daily duty sheets. Motion seconded by Vance Steedley, all ayes and motion carried.

Wade Dennis wanted the following statement reflected in the minutes:

“It has come to my attention that the scheduled final budget work session for the Crook County Weed and Pest board had to be back changed so that a board member (Chip Neiman) could make it to a campaign event he has scheduled. I want the record to reflect that I believe this is unprofessional and unacceptable. “

~Wade Dennis~

Wade Dennis moved to adjourn at 4:50 pm. Chip Neiman seconded it and motion passes

Meeting adjourned at 4:50 PM

Respectfully submitted Kari Van Luvan

Attested Kolby Wickwire

Crook County Weed & Pest

PO Box 7, 802 S. 11th Street

Sundance, WY 82729

Board Meeting – July 8, 2020

Checks written – June 30, 2020

Board Members present: LeRoy Curren, Vance Steedley, Kolby Wickwire and Wade Dennis.

Employees Present: Andrew Litzel and Kari Van Luvan

Others Present: Commissioner, Kelly Dennis

Chairman, LeRoy Curren called the regular Board Meeting of the Crook County Weed & Pest Board of Directors to order at 6:00 PM.

Wade Dennis made a motion to approve the June 10, 2020 Board meeting minutes as emailed with no corrections. Motion seconded by Kolby Wickwire; motion carried.

Wade Dennis made a motion to approve the June 24, 2020 Special Meeting/Grass Hopper program meeting minutes as emailed with no corrections. Motion seconded by Vance Steedley; motion carried.

A motion was made by Vance Steedley to approve the June expenditures in the amount of $134,066.25 on the Weed & Pest Account, and $51,337.33 on the Special Management Account, motion seconded by Kolby Wickwire. All ayes motion carried.

A motion was made by Vance Steedley to approve the July expenditures for the bills that are due before the next scheduled meeting in July for the amount of $34,812.50 on the Weed & Pest Account, and $100,000.00 on the Special Management Account, motion seconded by Kolby Wickwire. All ayes motion carried.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and filed for chairman so states.

Grasshopper program update:

Approximately 50,000 acres through out the county were aerial sprayed for Grass Hoppers. Aphis will be coming in, in the next few weeks to do a Grass Hopper survey. If the survey shows that we will have some hot spots next season we will have time to apply for grants and form a program for the treatment of Grass Hoppers.

Chairman LeRoy Curren called the budget hearing to order at 6:30 PM. Budget Hearing minutes will be attached.

The board opened back up in regular session at 6:50 PM.

Wade Dennis moved to table the Employee Handbook review for a future meeting, when more time can be dedicated to the process. Kolby Wickwire seconded it and the motion passes.

Vance Steedley moved to keep the cost share programs on the Weed and pest account exactly the same as they were in the previous year, 60%/40% on both noxious weeds and prairie dog/gopher. Also, to keep the current price of rent on the Gopher Getter machine at $100.00 per day. Kolby Wickwire seconded it and the motion passes.

Wade Dennis moved to accept the proposed grazing program at $8.00 per treated acres of Leafy Spurge, effective January 1st, 2021. Until all contracts can be renewed all other current contracts remain the same. Vance Steedley seconded it and motion passes.

Vance Steedley moved to keep the Special Management programs the same as last year with Leafy Spurge the priority and Spotted Knapweed it secondary; with the current 80%/20% cost share. Kolby Wickwire seconded it and the motion passes.

Vance Steedley moved to go into executive session for yearly employee reviews at 7:06 PM. Kolby Wickwire seconded it and the motion passes.

Andrew was asked to step out of the room while they preformed Kari’s review, when her review was complete, she was asked to leave the room and Andrew was invited in for his review. All others were asked to leave while reviews were being performed.

Chairman LeRoy Curren called the meeting back to regular session at 7:30 PM.

Supervisors Report:

300+ acres of Leafy Spurge have been treated.

He has inspected one hay field.

There has been a report of Ventenata on the Weston County line but it is within 5 miles of the Crook County Line. Campbell County also has some and they are planning on treating as much as they can. Andrew will continue to work with the two counties and monitor the infestations in Crook.

Vance Steedley moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 PM, Kolby Wickwire seconded and the motion passes.

Meeting adjourned at 7:41 PM

Respectfully submitted Kari Van Luvan

Attested Kolby Wickwire

Crook County Weed & Pest

PO Box 7, 802 S. 11th Street

Sundance, WY 82729

Budget Hearing -July 8, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Board Members Present: LeRoy Curren, Kolby Wickwire, Vance Steedley and Wade Dennis

Employees Present: Andrew Litzel and Kari Van Luvan

Others Present: Kelly Dennis

The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Adopt 2021 FY Budgets

a. Weed and Pest Account

b. Special Management Account

Chairman LeRoy Curren called the Budget Hearing of Crook County Weed & Pest Board of Directors to order at 6:30 PM at the Crook County Weed and Pest conference room.

Kolby Wickwire moved to accept the Weed and Pest budget as edited during the budget workshop held before this budget hearing. Vance Steedley seconded it and motion passes with all ayes.

Wade Dennis moved to accept the Special Management budget as edited during the budget workshop held before this budget hearing. Vance Steedley seconded it and motion passes with all ayes.

A copy of both budgets will be attached to the minutes.

Meeting adjourned and back to regular session at 6:50 PM

Respectfully submitted Kari Van Luvan

Attested Kolby Wickwire

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