Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County School Board





Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow

CCSD#1 will prepare & empower all students for successful, lifelong learning through effective teaching.


ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Crook County School District #1 was held in Sundance, WY, Monday, August 17, 2020, at the hour of 6:00 PM at central office.

ROLL CALL The meeting opened with the following present: Chairman Brian Marchant; Trustees Marlene Edwards, Rick Gill, Thayne Gray, Keith Haiar, Dena Mills, Ken Rathbun, Heith Waddell, and Chase Williams. No trustee absent. Administrators present – Mark Broderson, Superintendent; Sandra L. Neiman, Director of Special Education; Robert Wiegel, Hulett Principal; Kirby Baier, Moorcroft High School Principal; Brian Hartwig, Sundance Elementary Principal; and Jim O ‘Connor, Sundance Jr/Sr High School Principal.


MINUTES Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Edwards to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting and the minutes of the July 15 special budget hearing meeting. Motion carried.


AGENDA Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Williams to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

VISITORS The three transportation coordinators gave an overview of the 2020-2021 bus routes. Deb Davis, Sundance coordinator, reported two new stops to accommodate kindergarten students; the special education transportation aide position has been eliminated and the route revised because the student has transferred to BOCES. Deb Bush, Hulett coordinator, spoke about minor route changes to accommodate students who attend the Bear Lodge Alternative program. Tim Cuthrell, Moorcroft coordinator reported minor changes to the routes; there are 68 pre-K and kindergarten students enrolled at MK8. Robert Wagner, district mechanic, gave an overview of the district bus routes. There are 839 students who ride a bus daily; the 24 individual routes cover 3,175 miles a day. The most students on one route is 72, and the route with the least amount is one special education student. Robert said the transportation department is ready to handle COVID 19 requirements.

FINANCIAL Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Edwards to approve the financial reports. Motion carried.

BOCES/BOCHES Trustee Edwards informed board members the June and July meetings were conducted via Zoom. She asked board members to contact her if they want an emailed copy of the minutes from these meetings.


o Introduced the two new principals: Robert Wiegel, Hulett, and Kirby Baier, Moorcroft High School. Board members welcomed them!

o Asked Randy Gill, Facilities & Purchasing Manager, to give a summary of current district-wide projects.

o Spoke about the meetings held last week in each community to answer questions from parents; he felt the meetings were well received and well attended.

o Informed board members that the Smart Start Plan is posted on the crook1. website

o Reported that all open positions district-wide are filled, except for the part-time kitchen aide at Sundance Elementary.

o Reported that golf competitions started last week, and today is the first practice for fall high school sports.

o Informed board members that all CCSD#1 staff members will use the same teaching platform; this was a top request by parents in the June survey.

o Informed board members that CCSD#1 Teacher of the Year, Michelle Davis is also one of the top finalists for Wyoming Teacher of the Year!

o Informed board members that the two appointments in the consent agenda - the superintendent as Title IX representative and the instructional facilitator as compliance officer – would fulfill federal requirements for CCSD#1.

o Said only one person has filed to run for an open school board position; the openings are two in Sundance, one in Moorcroft, and one in Hulett. The filing period closes August 24.

o Reported that all in-services and open houses have been cancelled and Zoom meetings will be utilized instead; there will be no people in school buildings who are not staff or students. Teachers will start assessing students to discover areas in which the children need help to catch up.

o Trustee Haiar asked how many parents are requesting to home school their children; Mr. Broderson said there was one new family in tonight’s group of seven requests. He expects to see additional requests on the September agenda.


SESSION Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Mills to go into executive session at 6:16 PM to discuss a land purchase. Motion carried. Executive session ended at 6:37 PM.


SESSION Chairman Marchant called the meeting back into regular session at 6:40 PM.


AGENDA Chairman Marchant asked if any board member would like any item removed from the Consent Agenda.

Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the Consent Agenda.

To approve the bill listing and to issue warrants in payment thereof.

To appoint Mark R. Broderson as CCSD#1 Title IX Representative.

To appoint Melissa Ruml as CCSD#1 Compliance Officer.

To appoint secondary principals as official WHSAA representatives for the 2020-2021 WHSAA membership resolution.

To approve stipends for Stemscopes curriculum training on August 6, 2020, for:

Cheyenne Wilson Jesse Hinkhouse Alysa Brown

Emily Bishop Jaci Garrison Shawna Fischbach

Colleen Courtney Marie Cartwright Nathan Fulton

Sharon Bailey Courtney Bartell Mandee Moeller

Beth Marlatt Jenna Thomas Thea Dittman

Tina Inghram Jerlyn Marchant Maylee Baron-Kanode

Lacy Foskett Mindi Woolsey Abbie Love

Amber Burch Bailee Fremont Karen Disney

Lori Backen Mandy Connally Anna Backen

Calvin Dobesh Gina Dewey Sarah Merchen

Trevor Olson Kade Meyers Maria Kemp

Julie Cross Chelsey Blaszcyk

To approve 2020-2021 technology instructional facilitators:

1. Hulett: Josh Willems

2. MK8: Lori Backen, Courtney Bartell, Gina Dewey

3. MHS: Andrea Woods

4. SE: Lindsay Hansen

5. SHS: Mary Jayne Jordan

To approve resignations from:

1. Devin Robinson – Moorcroft K8 STEM Teacher

2. Diane Messner – Moorcroft K8 Reading Para

3. Angela Reed – Moorcroft K8 High Needs Special Education Para

4. Sabrina Mitchell – Sundance JH Volleyball Coach

5. Ashley Wood – Sundance Elementary Part-time Kitchen Aide

To approve 2020-2021 student attendance agreements with:

1. Carter County District #56, Montana

To approve EWC Outreach Non-Credit Instructor:

1. Hulett – David Letellier, Woodworking

To approve 2020-2021 substitute/activity bus driver K8 STEM Teacher

1. Shannon Baseman

To approve fall 2020 extra-duty contracts:

1. Hulett:

A. Derrick Backen – Student Council Sponsor (.5)

B. Lila Kennah – Student Council Sponsor (.5)

C. Jodi Rogers – High School Assistant Volleyball Coach

D. Kendra Meidinger – JH Volleyball Coach

E. Jessica Neilson – JH Volleyball Coach

F. David Letellier – Cross Country Track Coach

G. Coleen Letellier – Junior Class Sponsor (.5)

H. Carla Snook – Junior Class Sponsor (.5)

I. Josh Willems – High School Assistant Football Coach

2. Moorcroft:

A. Melissa Buckmiller – Junior Class Sponsor

3. Sundance:

A. Sabrina Mitchell – High School Assistant Volleyball Coach

To approve 2020-2021 isolation/maintenance requests:

1. Brandon Ackerman

2. Johnny & Regina Biggs

3. Christine Campbell

4. Ben & Lori Garman

5. Steve & Stephanie Geis

6. Justin & Charlee Kuhbacher

7. Chris & Stephanie Marchant

8. Beth McCollum

9. Charity Northup

10. Rene Shirley

11. DJ & Natalie Wolfskill

To approve 2020-2021 requests to home school:

1. Dallas & Anna Burch

2. James & Lara Dirks

3. CheRae Fremont

4. Kaleb & Sarah Laatsch

5. Larry & Terra Lambert

6. Ryan & Candace Pfeil

7. Rodney & Tonya Throckmorton

To approve 2020-2021 hiring:

1. Kaylee Zorc – Moorcroft K8 STEM Teacher

2. Cameron Braden – Moorcroft K8 Part-time Title 1 Para

3. Carie Bush – Moorcroft K8 High Needs Special Education Para

4. Callie Swaney – Moorcroft High School Special Education Para

Motion carried.

BUS ROUTES As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Gray to approve 2020-2021 bus routes as presented at the beginning of tonight’s meeting by the transportation coordinators. Motion carried

HIRING As recommended by Randy Gill and the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Rick Gill and seconded by Trustee Mills to hire Doug Wolff for the 2020-2021 Moorcroft K8 maintenance position. The interview committee consisted of Randy Gill, Teresa Brown, Kirby Baier, and Steve Gerry. Motion carried.

RECOGNITION Crook County School board members want to recognize the following for their performance or accomplishments:

o Board members commended Mr. Broderson for doing a very nice job in addressing parent and community members at the public meetings; they also thanked Mr. Broderson’s team for their help in getting school started while meeting all health requirements.



MENT Motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Edwards to adjourn the meeting at 6:39 PM. Motion carried.

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Chair Clerk

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