Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County Natural Resource District


Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

August 4th Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by Vice Chairman Ted Parsons at the USDA Service Center in Sundance, Wyoming.


Board: Wayne Garman, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer, Ted Parsons, Kim Fundaun

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: FSA Executive Director Sarah Hanlon


FSA Update- Ms. Hanlon gave the Board an update on activities within her office.

Water Quality Ms. McIntyre attended a conference call with the WDA today to review water quality grant applications. The District was awarded another grant for nutrient monitoring and a small BMP project.

Quarterly reports for her grants have been submitted; she is coordinating with CCCD to develop a joint 319 application for the September 18 deadline. The Black Leg ranch tour was small but successful; she will be submitting the closeout report for this soon. The Covers and Cows workshop is slated for August 19th. This will be a local workshop in the Moorcroft area with field visits. Speakers Marlon Winger, Keela Deaton, and Lance Gunderson will provide soil health demonstrations, discussions on grazing systems, and the Haney Soil Health test. Ms. McIntyre presented the water sampling results from July.

The TA position will remain unfilled at this time, advertising will begin early next year.

Forest Health Ms. Anderson provided updates regarding the forest health improvement programs. She stated that 2,099 acres have been contracted thus far for the RCPP program. Both the hazardous fuels reduction and thinning projects are still moving forward but have been substantially slowed due to the concerns of active ips beetles. She has submitted quarterly reports for her programs. Ms. Anderson attended a Black Hills Resilient Forest Partnership meeting in Keystone, SD and provided an update regarding action plans and priority areas.

Trails grant The extension until the end of the year has been approved. Ms. Anderson has been coordinating with USFS on the interpretative signs.


A motion to approve the voucher was made by Mr. Fundaun. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried. A motion to sign the checks was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Ms. Burget. Motion carried. All checks were signed.

Reconciliation Reports The bank reconciliation report and statement were reviewed. Ms Burget made a motion to approve the bank reconciliation. Mr. Fundaun seconds. Motion carried. Approve July 14th Minutes A motion to approve the minutes as presented from July 14th, 2020 was made by Ms. Altaffer. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.

Office Manager update The budget has been submitted and approved; the F-32 form has also been submitted to the Department of Audit. The Annual Report, Annual Plan of Work, and Long-Range Plans are all being prepared, and any input is encouraged.


E-Cycling Mr. Garman made a motion to table this discussion until the meeting on September 1st. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.

Zip Local renewal of phone book listing was discussed; Ms. Altaffer made a motion to discontinue services with Zip Local. Mr. Fundaun seconds. Motion carried.

Election filing information was given to the Board Supervisors. Filing for office must be done August 5th – 24th. Ms. Helms will send a reminder before the filing period ends.

Local Working Group surveys have been distributed on our FaceBook page in lieu of a face-to-face meeting. More landowner participation is needed, please fill this out and remind others to fill it out.

The board approved Ms. Anderson’s time off request to work half a day on August 6th, August 25th, and September 1st. The board also approved her request to be an hour late the first Thursday of every month. Ms. Anderson conveyed that she would make up that hour during the work week.

Motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Burget at 1:04 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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