Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)
July 14th Regular Board Meeting & Budget Hearing Minutes
CALL MEETING TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 12:09 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the Sundance USDA Service Center and by conference line.
Board: Wayne Garman, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer, Ted Parsons, Kim Fundaun
Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (Conference line)
Guests: NRCS District Conservationist Keela Deaton, FSA Executive Director Sarah Hanlon, Darbi Buckmiller- FSA, Jeremy Dedic -Wyoming State Forestry
NRCS Update Ms. Deaton reported that as of today the $31,500 for cover crops is completely allocated. Three quarters of it is in the ground now, however this year success will be marginal due to weather conditions. Ms. Deaton has taken a detail for 120 days and will be minimally available. Mr. Nehl is the acting district conservationist while she is on detail. Ms. Deaton will be attending the Soil Health tour in North Dakota.
FSA Update Ms. Hanlon updated the board on the status of the building procedures. It is currently in Phase III. Appointment only is requested. FSA employees are required to wear a mask when interacting with producers. Her office has already paid out $3 million dollars in CFAP payments as of last week. Acreage reports need to be on file to qualify for drought assistance. County Committee nominations are open until August 1. Ms. Hanlon introduced her temporary employee Darbi Buckmiller. Susan Johnson has retired as of June 30 after 30 years with FSA. The current job opening to fill this position is open until July 17th. Ms. Hanlon hosted her Workshop Wednesday via live on the District Facebook page last week.
Water Quality
Ms. McIntyre said UW will be coming as soon as they are able to travel due to COVID restrictions in place. MST sampling may have to wait until next spring. USGS reporting station at Sand Creek will be going offline on August 1, the agreement was not renewed. DOWL will be giving the County Commissioner’s an update on August 4th. It is during our next regular meeting, but board members may want to attend. Ms. McIntyre will either call in or attend in person.
TA Position Update An interview was conducted last week. Discussion will take place in executive session at the end of the meeting.
Forest Health Jeremy Dedic from Wyoming State Forestry updated the board on several items. The Good Neighbor Authority funded a 9-month position for 2.5 years to start next spring. There are two projects ready, the Phantom project off Kara Creek Rd, and the Wonder project east of Phantom, which is also part of the Joint Chiefs project.
Salvage sales will be conducted in the tornado area. Mountain Pine Beetle funding likely won’t be renewed after this year, and we will need to look at other avenues to continue thinning work. CWPP (community wildfire protection plan) - Crook County has a 5-page document and would like to create a new one. WUI programs are an option that the county could qualify for. WUI cost share is currently 50%; but they are trying to get to a 25/75 match, with soft match for the 25% Soft match would be volunteer time.
Trails grant Ms. Anderson had a meeting with USFS today. The grant expires 7/31, Ms. Anderson needs a letter from the board for an official extension to the end of December. There will be no trail expansion as originally intended due to the active timber sale. Six interpretive signs will be installed on the main loop. Mr. Parsons made a motion to accept the changes to the trail’s grant and provide a letter for the extension. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried.
FY 2021 Budget Ms. Anderson requested one change to add the WWNRT back into budget for $250,000 in line items 103.8 and 244. Mr. Parsons made a motion to approve the budget as presented including the change to add WWNRT at $250,000 to income 103.8 and expense 244. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.
Reconciliation Reports were reviewed by Ms. Burget and signed by the Board.
Approve June 30th Minutes Mr. Parsons made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried.
Office Manager update Ms. Helms updated the board on the work she has completed this month.
Voss Valley Subdivision Review was presented by Ms. Helms. Mr. Parsons made a motion to approve the Voss Valley subdivision review. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried.
At 1:57 pm Ms. Burget made a motion to enter executive session to discuss personnel. Mr. Parsons seconded.
Ms. Burget made a motion to end executive session at 2:09 pm. Motion carried.
Ms. Burget made a motion to make an offer of $16 per hour to start, with a review after three months to Michelle Mrozek to respond in 48 hours. Mr. Parsons seconded. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn was made at 2:13 pm.
Office Manager Signature:
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Chairman Signature:
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