Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
Sep. 2, 1920
James Jelbert has about concluded negotiations for the purchase of the J.C. Smiley residence property. This is a most desirable property, and the Times along with others is glad to see Mr. Jelbert thus cast anchor to windward and decide that Sundance is his permanent choice for a home.
Congressman Mondell attended the old settlers’ picnic at Carlile last week and spoke to a highly interested audience. Mr. Mondell visited Devils Tower for the first time and was highly elated with its wonderful magnitude. He suggested that the name of Devils Tower be changed to Matoe Tepee, meaning lodge of the great bear, and gave very good reasons for the change. This can be accomplished by usage, and the suggestion was made that people in this vicinity bring about the change in name of the sublime wonder.
Lightning killed three thorobred hereford bulls and a cow for John T. Mahoney at Alva during the storm last Friday. The cattle were gathered around an oak stump when the lightning struck it, annihilating every living thing in the vicinity.
75 Years Ago
Sep. 6, 1945
Public ceremonies of laying the cornerstone of the war memorial, the Service Honor Roll, will be held her Saturday, Sept. 8 by the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Wyoming with Thomas Stirling of Upton presiding. The honor roll, which has a hardwood frame and glass doors enclosing the plastic name plaques is to be set in a background of native stone masonry. The roll has been ready for some time but has been awaiting the time when a stone mason was available to do the work.
That the John Grice Hardware and Lumber business has been sold to Hart Brothers was announced this week. The brothers, Amos, Charles and Dwight, plan to continue with the hardware and lumber business in connection with the sawmill which is located at Devils Tower. Mr. Grice, who is one of the old-timers among the Sundance business men, established his business in 1907 and has operated it continuously since then.
Dick Durfee left from Newcastle Sunday for Booneville, Missouri where he will enter Kemper Military school as a senior in the high school division. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Durfee drove him as far as Newcastle.
50 Years Ago
Sep. 3, 1970
Bruce Connally, 16, Sundance, entered the winner’s circle at the Wyoming State Fair when his horse, Rimfire, was named champion 4-H Arabian gelding. Connally, who has been a 4-H member for eight years, has attended the state fair four times.
For the fourth consecutive year, the Bear Lodge FFA chapter at Sundance high school has captured the state FFA farm mechanics sweepstakes at the Wyoming State Fair.
25 Years Ago
August 31, 1995
A Payette, ID woman was overcome by heat and lost consciousness several times while climbing Devils Tower. Elizabeth Harris was climbing the route “PseudoWeissner”. Her climbing partners were able to lower her on a rope to the base of the climb. National Park Service rangers and Hulett Emergency Services met Harris and provided medical treatment.