Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Card of Thanks

Our Thanks

The family of Ross Garman wishes to extend a heartfelt thanks to all who have shown us kindness, care and concern through gifts of food and flowers, personal visits, memorial donations and by keeping us in your daily thoughts and prayers. We have been generously showered with love and support during this difficult time. A special thanks to all who were asked to have a part in Ross’s service – it was so beautiful and each of your parts honored Ross in a fitting way. From the riderless horse, to the mounted pallbearers and the friends who spoke (both scripted and unscripted); it was an exquisite day. A sincere thank you to Brian Mills for officiating the service; your words and personal delivery of them made the day memorably perfect and challenged each of us to follow the example set by the power of Ross’s pencil. We have been blessed beyond all measure.