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Lyons appointed permanent CEO

Micki Lyons has agreed to become the permanent CEO of Crook County Medical Services District. This decision was made by the board of trustees on Friday after seeing Lyons in action as interim CEO over the last four months.

“I believe that we’re in a position where we need to transition…from an interim CEO to a permanent CEO in the district and my feeling is that we have the right person in the right slot right now for the district,” said Chairman Mark Erickson as he made the suggestion.

Erickson stated that he feels the district’s financial situation is in a good place and morale amongst its employees is high, and that he was making the suggestion to make Lyons’ position official with all these things in mind.

“I think Micki has stepped up and played the role that we asked her to play,” agreed Trustee Trish Habeck, who also felt that she would prefer that someone within the community perform the CEO role than disrupt things at this time by bringing in someone new from outside.

“I think she’s proven herself to us how well she’s done and honestly I don’t want to lose her.”

The suggestion was met with some pushback from other members of the board, however. Trustee Sandy Neiman offered several objections, first questioning whether the district should advertise the role and stating that “some good people” sent in their resumes for the role. Kara Ellsbury, attorney for the board, assured her that the district is under no obligation to advertise.

Neiman also suggested waiting one more month to make the decision on the basis that the board agreed to appoint a permanent CEO between four and six months after Lyons was asked to perform the role temporarily. Trustee Connie Lindmier also stated there was no need to make a decision this month.

Erickson responded that it has been four months and stated his feeling that it’s time for closure and to move forward with other things.

“The numbers are perfect, we have a good vibe going,” he repeated.

Neiman also questioned several times whether the board should be more “transparent” about the process of choosing a new CEO. When questioned as to how she feels the board has not been transparent, Neiman did not elaborate.

“I don’t see where we are not being transparent. We’ve had public discussion, we’ve had input from employees,” said Erickson.

Neiman also questioned whether the financials really are as positive as they seem, bearing in mind the district has received funding from the state through the CARES Act. A breakdown from financial officer Alayna Marten, with the CARES Act funding removed, appeared to support the assertion that the district is doing well financially.

Finally, Neiman stated that she was not comfortable approving the appointment of Lyons until she has seen the contract, and was adamant that “there has to be a buyout” in the contract in case the board is not satisfied with Lyons’ performance.

A motion made by Habeck and seconded by Trustee Ed Ray to appoint Lyons as permanent CEO. A friendly amendment was made that this appointment is pending the successful negotiation of a contract, with Ellsbury explaining that the board is not bound to the appointment if an agreement cannot be reached.

Erickson, Habeck and Ray voted in support of the motion. Lindmier abstained on the basis of a conflict of interest due to personal relationships. Neiman also opted to abstain from voting.

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