Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
This year it seems that voters in House District #1 have a choice between a candidate who is pro-gun and pro-life and another candidate who is pro-gun and pro-life. Whatever is a voter to do who feels that guns take lives, so it is impossible to be in favor of both.
But, we know that pro-life is really a code word used mainly by middle-aged men who want both a small government (“Lower those taxes, reduce those regulations!”) and a government big enough to intrude itself into the personal decisions of young women. So, we would have a government, a “courageously conservative” government no less, a “pro-constitution” government, that has the resources to intrude where the constitution promises freedom, but does not have the resources to actually provide support to disadvantaged families, families resulting from the regulation of personal choices, regulations put in place by anti-regulation old men. So, “pro-life” really is the rallying cry of anti-life men: men who will force you to bring your pregnancy to term, but who won’t support programs that will see that these children have adequate nutrition, good early education, complete health care and, later, jobs that are safe (because of work place regulations) and well-paid (because of regulations that encourage workers to unionize).
Perhaps we can take some solace in the fact that one of the candidates proclaims his common sense. Of course, he also says he is pro-Trump. So, this candidate of common sense supports a man who has no sense at all.
One of these men will represent us in the Wyoming legislature. God help us!
Ernie Reinhold
Dear Editor,
During these few summer months, we have here in Wyoming, one thing that is always a great time for everyone is the Crook County Fair (July 25-August 2). Please come to the fair and see all of the projects we have put countless hours, early mornings and late nights into.
Thank you,
Nate Schommer
Bearlodge-Sundance FFA Reporter