Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
July 14, 1920
The preliminary hearing of Frank Hickey was concluded Saturday the case having been before the court since Thursday. On the evidence presented, Judge Ashdown bound Hickey over without bail to appear before the next term of the district court on the charge of the murder of Laben Woods. Hickey was represented by Tom Nicholas of Sundance, and Mrs. Catherine McKenna of Los Angeles, sister of the accused.
The first issue of the Colony News, R.M. Nicholson Publisher, has reached this office. The News is a neat appearing sheet and a credit to the publisher. The paper is an exponent of republican principles.
Quarreling over the rights of pasturing cattle, John and Andy Peterson of the prairie came to blows one day last week. A pitchfork was used freely and as a result John is in the hospital with a fractured skull, and Andy is in jail at Newcastle.
75 Years Ago
July 19, 1945
Charles H. Kokesh, aerial engineer of Sundance, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, it was announced by Brig. Gen. William H. Tunner, commanding general of the India China Division, Air Transport Command. Twenty-seven-year-old Charles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kokesh of Sundance. The award was made upon completion of 300 hours of operational flight in transport aircraft over the dangerous and difficult India-China air routes, where enemy interception and attack was probable and expected.
“I wish to thank all friends and neighbors for helping my son and wife when he was bitten by a rattlesnake,” writes Pvt. Dean L. Svoboda, formerly of Hulett. Dean is now stationed at Ft. Sill, Okla. The little boy is getting along fine now and returned home last Monday.
50 Years Ago
July 16, 1970
Members of the Commercial Club heard a favorable report on the proposed regional airport between Moorcroft and Sundance at their meeting Friday night. The proposed airport site was visited last week by the state aeronautics director, an FAA engineer, the mayors of Sundance and Moorcroft, representatives of service clubs from both communities, two county commissioners and several other interested persons.
Sundance will have its first motion picture theatre for more than ten years when the Sundance Drive-In Theatre opens Sunday July 19. Fittingly, the first week’s showing will be “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”. Fred Tschetter, Jr., of Sundance and Gerald Bullard of Upton are co-owners of the theatre. Bullard operates two theatres in Upton.
25 Years Ago
July 13, 1995
A proposed 1500’ Madison well to supply the unincorporated town of Aladdin is the subject of a dispute between area ranchers and the Aladdin Water District. A delegation of the ranchers met with the Crook County Commissioners on Thursday to discuss the situation. County Clerk Connie Tschetter said that the ranchers felt that the water board was not following statutes on some things and they would like to see those enforced. One of the problems they listed was the possible ineligibility of two of the board members. Other concerns of the ranchers are laid out in a petition of protest, which they presented to the commissioners with some 53 signatures.