Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


May 5

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

May 5th Regular Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wayne Garman at 12:04 pm.

ATTENDANCE by conference call

Board: Wayne Garman, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer, Ted Parsons, Kim Fundaun

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: NRCS District Conservationist Keela Deaton, FSA Executive Director Sarah Hanlon


NRCS Update by Keela Deaton. As a follow up to the efficacy of cover crops projects, soil sampling will start next week. The NRCS CAMP program for newly hired employees is looking for producers to mentor new employees. Cover Crop contracts for this year will total $35,000. This year fencing cost share became an option from the grant sponsor. Board discussed options. Ms. Altaffer made a motion to approve the fencing cost share for temporary or permanent fencing at $0.80 per foot, with a one mile of fence maximum. Mr. Parsons seconded. Motion carried. Ms. Altaffer makes a motion to approve the seven cover crop contracts presented. Mr. Fundaun seconded. Motion carried.

FSA Update Ms. Hanlon is looking for producers to report livestock losses from the mid-April storm. Livestock loss reports have a 30-day deadline. Acreage reporting will begin soon, and FSA will be utilizing conference calls for crop reporting.

Water Quality Updates

Water quality sampling will begin June 1. WDA water quality grant applications are due May 15. Ms. McIntyre has decided to apply. The focus area for projects will be along the Belle Fourche river near Moorcroft. Ms. McIntyre will be meeting with Campbell County about coordination next week.

TA Position Update Applications have been received and the CCNRD will continue to be accepting applications through next Friday. Interviews can be held using Go To Meeting. Ms. McIntyre will send a poll to coordinate dates and times.

Local Issues Project CCNRD060419PH_2 cost share on another well and pipeline that was approved in April is still working to choose another well location. Ms. McIntyre requested authorization to proceed with securing an agreement for the project once final quantities were determined. Mr. Parsons makes a motion for Ms. McIntyre to proceed with finalizing an agreement once the well location was settled. Ms. Altaffer seconds. Motion carried.

Forest Health

CAFA projects are moving right along. Fire mitigation plans need to be completed for payment. Currently there are two 20-acre fuel breaks, a 28-acre fuel treatment and defensible space projects. Ms. Anderson will do monthly reimbursement requests because of the size of these projects.

Bark beetle award funds still haven’t been received; projects are on hold until we receive the money. Ms. Anderson has received 8 new applications and will have at least a dozen projects ready to go.


Line item changes- add TA position to budget Mr. Fundaun made a motion to approve line item change resolution 5.5.2020 by Mr. Fundaun, seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried.

Ms. Altaffer made a motion to pay bills as presented. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.

The checks, voucher and reconciliation report will be at the office to be signed this week.

Approve Minutes A motion was made by Ms. Altaffer to approve the minutes from April 7th, 2020. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.


FY2021 Proposed Budget was presented to the Board. Ms. Burget made a motion to approve the proposed budget. Mr. Parsons seconded. Motion carried.

NRCS MOA was reviewed last month. A motion to sign the MOA was made by Ms. Burget. Seconded by Mr. Parsons. Motion carried.

Personnel Policy Update will be sent to the Board to review.

Moskee Multi-use Resource Management Plan letter is due by May 15th. Ms. Anderson will submit the letter and will send finalized version to the Board.

Timber Stakeholder Conference Call Local government is now involved, Ms. Anderson and Mr. Garman have been working with Commissioner Whalen on this.


Annual Review Mr. Garman suggests a $0.25 per hour raise for Ms. Helms. Mr. Parsons agreed and made a motion to increase the pay by $0.25 per hour. Seconded by Ms. Burget. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made at 1:49 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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