Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


May 18, 2020




Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow

CCSD#1 will prepare & empower all students for successful, lifelong learning through effective teaching.


ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Crook County School District #1 was held in Sundance, WY, Monday, May 18, 2020, at the hour of 6:00 PM at the central office.

ROLL CALL The meeting opened with the following present: Chairman Brian Marchant; Trustees Marlene Edwards, Rick Gill, Thayne Gray, Dena Mills, Ken Rathbun, Heith Waddell, and Chase Williams (phone). Trustee absent: Keith Haiar. Administrators present – Mark Broderson, Superintendent, and Jim O’Connor, Sundance Secondary Principal.


MINUTES Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Waddell to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried.


AGENDA Motion was made by Trustee Edwards and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

VISITORS Mary Hunter, Moorcroft HS Spanish teacher and high school girls’ track coach, addressed the board with concerns that spring extra-curricular contracts are not scheduled to be paid for track and golf seasons, which were cancelled due to the coronavirus quarantine. She said coaches already did work for these sports and now they will not be paid. Some coaches had the extra-duty contracts pro-rated over the school year and are expected to pay back CCSD#1 for the money they have already received.

Zach Richards, Moorcroft K8 teacher and high school boys’ track coach, also addressed the board about his concern that spring sports extra-duty contracts will not be paid. Trustee Gray asked for an estimate of the time Mr. Richards spent on track preparation before the season was cancelled; Mr. Richards guessed around 11%.

Deb Harrison, Moorcroft HS English teacher and school play director (addressing the board remotely through Zoom), said a MHS play had been scheduled for the end of April, and play rehearsals started in February.

FINANCIAL Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to approve the financial reports. Motion carried.

BOCES/BOCHES Trustee Edwards asked board members to contact her if they wanted to read an email copy of the minutes of the last BOCES meeting; the May meeting is Thursday.

SUPERINTENDENT Mark Broderson, Superintendent, informed board members that:

o The CARES Act passed at the legislative session that ended Saturday; it was approved that the governor can put this money to use; CCSD#1 can apply for funds to cover costs it acquired due to the coronavirus quarantine.

o An increase of the carryover cap from 15% to 25% failed in the House vote; if it had passed, it would have allowed the governor to make cuts to the educational block grant.

o CCSD#1 paid E19 employee wages of $155,963 in April and $146,837 in May for a total of $302,800.

o This is the last week of school for students and staff; May 21 is the official last day.

o All CCSD#1 seniors met the criteria to graduate; the ceremonies went well! I have received a number of compliments for the nice ceremonies.

o We are waiting for Smart Start guidelines from the WY Department of Education to provide guidance on summer sports and summer school. Sports are postponed until June 8. One building has scheduled two weeks of summer school in both July and August. At this time there can be up to 25 people gathered in one location. A template for fall has not yet been given to school districts.

o Science curriculum work was completed this year, and new materials will be ordered for next school year. In 2020-2021, teachers will look at new math programs. The math curriculum committee consists of seven elementary teachers and six secondary teachers.

o Teachers completed a professional development survey. The results will be used when the leadership team completes its 2020-2021 PD calendar during a retreat at the Devils Tower Golf Course on Wednesday, May 27. Mr. Broderson invited board members to attend if they are available.

o All certified positions in the district are filled. Other school districts are struggling to find applicants.

o The Moorcroft High School parking lot has been paved; some additional work needs to be done before the project is complete.

o The Sundance Secondary parking lot will be getting new, updated lighting this summer using capital security funds. These funds will also pay for projects at the Moorcroft and Sundance bus barns to update access control, cameras, and internet.

o The WDE reviewed special education files; CCSD#1 received WDE’s highest rating.

o A request has been made to drop the requirement for parents and students to sign the FFA/ag teacher time and effort logs.


SESSION Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Williams to go into executive session at 6:33 PM to discuss personnel issues. Motion carried. Executive session ended at 6:40 PM.


SESSION Chairman Marchant called the meeting back into regular session at 6:42 PM.


AGENDA Chairman Marchant asked if any board member would like any item removed from the Consent Agenda.

Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Gray to approve the Consent Agenda.

To approve the bill listing and to issue warrants in payment thereof.

To approve 2020-2021 certified hiring:

1. Tessa Garman – Moorcroft K8 Language Arts Teacher

To approve 2020 summer custodial hiring:

1. Moorcroft K8: Raymond Burger

2. Moorcroft High School: Emily Bryant

3. Sundance Elementary: Doug Carter

To approve 2020-2021 special education related services contracts:

1. Bifulco, Katherine

2. Lehman, Jodi

3. Lovett, Lisa

4. Malone, Macey

5. Mountain Plains Counseling Center

6. North Platte Physical Therapy

7. Northern Wyoming Mental Health


To approve 2020 special education summer school hiring:

Tiffany Johnson Kayla Hutchison Alyson Nelson

Susan Wilson Natalie Warga Angela Olson

Lydia Guthmiller Julie Stephany Kate Cummings

Terri McInerney Savannah Knapp Amy Anderson

Annette Holbrook Lorena Robinson Jennifer Gill

Barb Chiles Alyson Zimmerschied Vicki Schommer

Elizabeth Love Stephanie Phillips Diane Marshall

Jase Stadem Terri Martin Elizabeth Schneider

To approve a 2019-2020 isolation request:

1. Bernie Hough

To approve a lease and agreement with the Town of Moorcroft regarding the gymnasium and common areas.

Motion carried.

CLASSIFIED As recommended by the superintendent, building principals, and special education director, motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Gill to approve classified hiring for 2020-2021. Trustee Gray then declared a conflict of interest, left the room. and abstained from discussion or vote.


Laurie Oster Julie Bauman Melissa Williams

Jen Stevens Ted Bears Stephannie Garnica

Devyn Williams Jackie Robinson JaCee Apland

Deb Bush Roy Bush Lisa Gantz

Richard Gantz Roberta Noyce Vivian Odell

Lori Vitto Tom Wolf Donna Wolf

Pauline Jolley Twila Pilcher


Debbie Glenn Shelby Ryno Bonnie Ehresmann

Roxie Gerry Dena Gonzalez Dawn Blakeman

Sally Lewis Alexis Mikkelson Robi Spear

Gail Mayer Ray Burger Shone Gray

Kelly Baker Stephanie Huseby Nazarena Schell

Krista Heib Diane Messner Darlys Roberts

Kaylee Williamson Allison VerBurg


Diane Adolph Carolyn Feehan Steve Gerry

Jeff Larson Cindy Gill Emily Bryant

Rene Shirley Tim Cuthrell Frances DuBeau

Nicole Duxbury Pam Kunz Gary McDowell

Susan Miner Kristine Nelson Jody Sisson

Katy Wiseman Melissa Buckmiller Brock Burris

Marci Allison


Sarah Ellsbury Amanda Speidel Natalie Skeens

Heidi Stefanich Shannon Haugen Danyell Costello

Matt Pangrac Brenda Klopp Nina Major

Doug Carter Christy Adams Wendy Kipp

Shelly Evans Ashley Wood


Joni Ellsbury Shannon Gaylord Karen Bennett

Kelly Carter Lisa Fletcher Dustin Peterson

Whitney Cundy Todd Hickman Katie Thomas

Deb Davis Laurie Schell Charlie Mitts

Steve Wilson Laura Newell Doug Price

LeAnn Bachmann Brenda Wagner Vicky Adams

Dawson Haux Merle Lossing


Sheryl Klocker Deb Mannetter Sherri Moeller

Jan Steele Robert Wagner Travis Price

Justin Gaskin Betty Grinsell


Jeanine Knapp Terri McInerney Kelly Pannell

Amber Kaplan Amy Anderson Barbara Chiles

Jennifer Gill Annette Holbrook Savannah Knapp

Miranda Miller Candice Phillips Jamie Timberman

Angela Reed Lorena Robinson Alyson Zimmerschied

Ann Sundstrom Victoria Cocharo Kathy Davis

Becky Fossen Elizabeth Love Michelle McDonald

Peggy Moeller Stephanie Phillips Vicki Schommer

Andrea Humphrey Shelley Kerkvliet Roxanna Lossing

Terri Martin Diane Marshall Elizabeth Schneider

Robert Smith Jase Stadem Courtney Dixon

Motion carried. Trustee Gray returned to the meeting.

TRUCK BID As recommended by the superintendent and Randy Gill, Facilities & Purchasing Manager, motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Edwards to accept the bid from White’s Canyon Motors of Spearfish, SD, for the purchase of a 2020 Ford F250 extended cab 4x4 pickup with utility box and snowplow for $47,173. Motion carried. A copy of the bid tabulation is attached and becomes a part of these minutes.


PRICES As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Williams to increase K-12 student lunch and breakfast prices for 2020-2021 by $.05 each:

2020-21 lunch & breakfast prices:

Students K-12 lunch $2.75 breakfast $1.90 milk $.30

Adults lunch $5.00 breakfast $4.00 milk $.35

Grab & go and supersize options: $.75

Adult prices and milk prices remain the same. Motion carried.

RECOGNITION Crook County School board members want to recognize the following for their performance or accomplishments:

o Thank you staff, students, and parents for all your help during the quarantine!

o Kudos to admin and staff for giving seniors a good graduation day; it is appreciated!

DISCUSSION On behalf of the CCSD#1 Board of Trustees, Chairman Marchant expressed condolences to Trustee Gray for the loss of his mother-in-law, Sharon Kanode.

Discussion was held about the concerns expressed by staff members during the visitor section of the meeting regarding lack of payment for extra-curricular spring coaching contracts and teacher stipends. Various opinions were given, and possible solutions were shared. Mr. Broderson will consider this input when making his final determination.


MENT Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Waddell to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 PM. Motion carried.

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Chair Clerk

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