Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

March 2nd Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

March 2nd Regular Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 12:14 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the USDA Service Center, 117 S 21st St, Sundance, Wyoming.


Board: Wayne Garman, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer, Ted Parsons, Kim Fundaun

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (Call in)

Guests: NRCS District Conservationist Keela Deaton, FSA Executive Director Sarah Hanlon


NRCS Update Ms. Deaton updated the Board on program deadlines and staffing changes within NRCS. The EQIP batching date has been set for March 27 with intentions of being fully obligated by July 17. An RCPP meeting was held in Gillette on February 20. Two forest stewardship plans will be funded.

FSA Update Ms. Hanlon invited the Board to hear the NASS State Statistician on Thursday at 11:00 am. Deadline for ARC/PLC is March 16. On March 19 at 2:00pm an outreach event will take place at W Bar in Hulett. The next quarterly outreach event in Sundance will be April 8th at the Sundance State Bank room.

Water Quality

Ms. McIntyre is currently planning for monitoring season. Nutrient monitoring is becoming more of a priority. She will be putting together ideas to improve the 319 grants and get them to the Board ahead of the next meeting.

TA Position Update Ms. Anderson and Ms. McIntyre went over Exhibit 1. Leaning towards hiring a contractor at this time. MOA should arrive soon.

Forest Health Active hazardous fuel treatments are still in progress. Ms. Anderson is still waiting on the bark beetle contract and funding. She is hopeful it will be received by mid-March. Ms. Anderson is still in communication with the USFS on the Trails grant. An extension letter will be requested as the trail is in an active timber sale unit.


Financial Voucher Ms. Altaffer made a motion to pay the bills as presented, Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried. Ms. Burget verified correspondence with the financial voucher for February expenses. All checks were signed. The Quickbooks account was reconciled with the bank account. Ms. Burget opened the sealed bank statement and verified the reconciliation reports.

Approve Minutes Ms. Burget made a motion to approve the February 4, 2020 meeting minutes. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried. Ms. Altaffer made a motion to approve the January 30, 2020 Joint Watershed Meeting Minutes. Mr. Parsons seconded. Motion carried.


Brengle No 1 Minor Subdivision Review was discussed. Motion to approve the Subdivision Review for Brengle No 1 Minor was made by Ms. Burget and seconded by Mr. Parsons. Motion carried.

LGLP Membership Application was signed.

WASD membership form- Ms. Altaffer will be the voting delegate, Mr. Fundaun is the alternate.

Natural Resource Advisory Committee for Crook County was discussed. Ms. Burget will apply to represent the CCNRD.


Ms. Burget administered Mr. Fundaun’s Oath of Office in front of the Board of Supervisors.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:42 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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