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Lindholm announces re-election run

Citing the importance of Crook and Weston County having experienced leadership in Cheyenne to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic fallout it has caused, Wyoming State Representative Tyler Lindholm has announced he will seek re-election to the Wyoming House of Representatives last week. 

“Representing the people of Crook and Weston County and working on their behalf over the past five years has been a tremendous honor,” said Lindholm.

“During that time, I’ve been proud to work with our community to transform grassroots ideas into legislation that has impacted Wyoming in a positive way. Sixteen of those ideas were individual bills that went through the whole process and became law, making our District one of the most successful in the State in turning ideas into actual policy.”

Lindholm continued, “We face economic uncertainty, a pandemic, record unemployment and the list goes on. Now is not the time to flinch and back away from our problems. We are not afforded the opportunity to take our time handling these issues nor can we expect anyone to find solutions for us. In typical Wyoming fashion, we will not only meet these problems head on, but far surpass expectations and rise above.” 

“That is why I am running for re-election as your Representative in House District 1,” said Lindholm. “The people of Crook and Weston County have been and will continue to be my priority as we face new and challenging issues. Now is the time for veteran leadership and I am asking for your support to continue representing the good people of House District 1. Together we can ensure Wyoming’s future is sound, our businesses thrive, and we come out of this stronger than ever before.” 

Lindholm was first elected to the legislature in 2015. As House Majority Whip, Lindholm is a member of the House leadership team.

He is Chairman of the House Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee and serves on the Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation Technology, the Rules & Procedures Committee, the Select Natural Resource Funding, and several national committees representing Wyoming. 

“As a Committee Chairman and member of the House leadership team, I’m fortunate to have a strong voice in advocating for the people of northeast Wyoming,” said Lindholm.

“In 2018, when I was elected by House Republicans to be Majority Whip, it made our District the 4th in the House of Representatives leadership. Our District has not had a Representative in leadership since 1978, and I’m proud to hold this leadership position to ensure that your voice is as loud as can be.”

Lindholm graduated from Sundance High School in 2001 and joined the US Navy where he served for five years. He has worked in both the energy and agriculture sectors and is currently involved with his family’s cattle operation as well as BeefChain, a company that is working to create a new “rancher-centric” supply chain utilizing blockchain technology to recapture the value now realized by third-party feedlots and processors.

He also is a Crook County Volunteer Firefighter. He lives in Sundance with his wife Charity and their children Willow, Lily, Caleb and Paul.