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Come and see

“And Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see.’” (John 1:46).

Come and see. We often look but rarely does one contemplate, behold and think on things. Our business, bustle, competing concepts and time are filled with that which has little meaning as it requires no commitment. Coming and going, going and coming seeing so much, but comprehending and understanding little. Like Philip, we will miss so much unless personally directed to “come and see.”

The word “come” in the Greek is a suggestion while “see” is a command to know, comprehend and understand. This takes more than a mere glance. It’s a consideration that initiates contemplation and produces a depth of new knowledge that personally affects the viewer.

A sight that is worth not only beholding but embracing and staking a claim to. It is filling into the foundation of living and built upon for others to see. This knowing is the seed that results in growing that changes you and draws others into view.

Casual glances cause loosely held and unidentifiable beliefs. A fixed vision on the wrong things warp thoughts into despair and destroy hope. These push us in the direction of not realizing the goodness/character of God and all who He is. Desensitized to good/truth we become very adept at perfecting and peddling evil. Many come, but fewer see.

Come and see. So much is often suggested, but how often do you truly see? The best relationship has been revealed long ago and so much has been shown through nature, humanity, destruction, suffering and death.

Yet, it is given but a casual glance and cursory thought that it leaves nothing to behold. Many come, but the few that see God really know what life, living and peace are.

“For I know that the Lord is great and our Lord is above all gods.” Psalm 135:5

Submitted by Pastor Dave Jagemann, Chapel of Faith