Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Mar. 16
Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow
CCSD#1 will prepare & empower all students for successful, lifelong learning through effective teaching.
ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Crook County School District #1 was held in Sundance, WY, Monday, March 16, 2020, at the hour of 6:00 PM at the central office.
ROLL CALL The meeting opened with the following present: Chairman Brian Marchant; Trustees Marlene Edwards, Thayne Gray, Dena Mills, Heith Waddell, and Chase Williams. Trustees absent: Rick Gill, Keith Haiar, Ken Rathbun. Administrators present – Mark Broderson, Superintendent; Sandra L. Neiman, Director of Special Education; Linda Wolfskill, Hulett School Principal; Teresa Brown, Moorcroft K8 Principal; Brian Hartwig, Sundance Elementary Principal; and Jim O’Connor, Sundance Secondary Principal.
MINUTES Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried.
AGENDA Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Williams to move the Discussion after the Visitors and to adopt the revised agenda. Motion carried.
VISITORS Representative Tyler Lindholm spoke about the COVID-19 situation and the mandate from Governor Gordon and WY Superintendent of Public Education Jillian Balow to close schools for three weeks. (During tonight’s meeting, Supt. Broderson received notice that a waiver is available for Wyoming schools so they do not have to make up days missed because of the governor’s mandate.)
DISCUSSION Sundance trustee and Crook County Medical Services District family practice physician, Dr. Heith Waddell, spoke to board members and audience members about the coronavirus. He voiced his approval of the decision to close schools. He said he has been researching the virus and believes the recommendation to practice social distancing and to stay put is the best way to slow the spread of the virus. Because coronovirus is a new (novel) virus, individuals have no immunity to it. Dr. Waddell shared facts about the virus, what its impact could be, and a “worst case” scenario for Crook County.
Trustee Marlene Edwards, RN, reminded people to be especially careful with the health of young children, grandparents, and those with compromised health issues.
Becky Tinsley, Crook County Public Health Nurse Manager, voiced support of the decision to close schools. She said it is the recommendation of public health to hold no gatherings over ten people. Also, please call Crook County Medical Services District or public health if you have a question instead of relying on Google or the internet!
ARRIVAL Trustee Haiar arrived at 6:24 PM.
FINANCIAL Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Edwards to approve the financial reports. Motion carried.
BOCES/BOCHES Trustee Edwards did not attend the February 27 meeting; however, she sent the minutes to Jan – contact her if you want a copy emailed.
PRINCIPALS Principal and special programs information is included with the superintendent’s report.
SUPERINTENDENT Mark Broderson, Superintendent, informed board members that:
o The March 23 Salary Committee meeting has been changed to April 6 because we will then know the amount health insurance premiums will cost next year for the school district.
o The employee blood draws for Hulett and Moorcroft have been postponed from this week to: April 21 at Moorcroft HS; April 22 at Moorcroft K8; and April 23 in Hulett. 41% of district-wide eligible employees/spouses had their blood drawn in Sundance.
o Supt. Balow was in Crook County last week to observe Hulett School’s Breakfast after the Bell program and the Moorcroft K8 after school program.
o All extra-curricular practices and events, including Special Olympics and the Jackalope Jump, have been cancelled.
SESSION Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Haiar to go into executive session at 6:31 PM to discuss litigation and personnel issues. Motion carried.
SESSION Chairman Marchant called the meeting back into regular session at 6:51 PM.
AGENDA Chairman Marchant asked if any board member would like any item removed from the Consent Agenda.
Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the Consent Agenda.
To approve the bill listing and to issue warrants in payment thereof.
To approve resignation:
1. Tacey Martin – Sundance Elementary High Needs Special Education Para
2. Jana Bryant – Moorcroft K8 Title 1 Para
3. Orville Hess – Hulett School Math Teacher
To approve special education winter games certified stipends:
1. Kate Cummings
2. Zach Richards
To approve 2019-2020 extra-duty contract:
1. Teresa Preisner – Sundance High School Play
2. Melissa Gill – Sundance High School JH Track Coach
To approve Spring 2020 EWC/Sundance Non-Credit Instructor Contract:
1. Brian Kennah – Welding for Women
To approve Spring 2020 EWC Driver’s Education Contracts:
1. Moorcroft: Melissa Buckmiller
2. Hulett & Sundance: Lisa Dutton, Randi Faeth
To approve spring 2020 EWC adjunct instructors:
1. Hulett: Kenneth Merwin, Derrick Backen, Orville Hess, David Leteller
2. Moorcroft: Jade Keffeler, Debra Harrison, Long Tracy, Stephen Richter,
Felicia Sams, Travis Santistevan
1. Sundance: Julie Cross, Stephanie Grubb, Todd Hickman, Lance Hofland,
Lisa Dutton, Jennifer Jungwirth
To approve a spring 2020 request to home school:
1. John & Tina Ulmer
To approve immediate hiring:
1. Miranda Miller – Moorcroft K8 High Needs Special Education Para
2. Stephanie (Stevie) Phillips – Sundance Elementary High Needs Special Education Para
To approve 2020-2021 hiring:
1. Nicholas Edelman – Hulett School Ag Education Teacher
Motion carried.
HIRING As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Haiar to hire Robert L. Wiegel, Jr. as Hulett School Principal for 2020-2021. Supt. Broderson informed board members that two committees each interviewed six applicants. One committee consisted of five Hulett teachers and one classified staff member; the other committee consisted of Supt. Broderson and four administrators. Motion carried.
CERTIFIED Chairman Marchant declared a conflict of interest, turned the meeting over to Clerk/Trustee Dena Mills, left the room, and abstained from discussion or vote. Trustee Williams declared a conflict of interest, left the room, and abstained from discussion or vote.
As recommended by the superintendent, building principals, and special education director, motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Gray to approve certified hiring for 2020-2021:
Jacqueline Kary Mandee Stutzman Jessica Watkins
Cheyenne Wilson Anna Backen Derrick Backen
Lacy Foskett Lila Kennah David Letellier
Beth Marlatt Rebecca Maupin Tom Maupin
Kenneth Merwin Carla Snook Astrid Teter
Josh Willems Marti Wood
Mathew Albertson Devin Nicholls Alyssa Brown
Jaclyn Garrison Hannah Bauernfeind Emily Bishop
Amanda Connally Thea Dittman Arlie Hulm
Jesse Hinkhouse Nathan Fulton Dane Grondin
Kade Myers Dawn Anderson Desiree Albertson
Maylee Baron-Kanode Lori Backen Sharon Bailey
Courtney Bartell Tyler Bartell Amber Burch
Marie Cartwright Linda Cote LaNae Curr
Michelle Davis Gina Dewey Shawna Fischbach
Justin Gonzales Sarah Merchen Zachariah Richards
Joy Sheehan Jenna Thomas Katherine Williams
Mindi Woolsey Janet Kanode Gypsy Petz
Anne Carlsen
Melissa Buckmiller Jade Keffeler Felicia Sams
Travis Santistevan Hugh Jenkins Lark Durnell
Debra Harrison Shanna Kinnick Mary Hunter
Stephen Richter Kasey Stroud Nathan Towell
Lona Tracy Andrea Wood Dustin Petz
Chrystal Rodriguez Sarah Schmidt Amber Green
Kathy Bjornestad Colleen Courtney Karen Disney
Calvin Dobesh Bailee Fremont Lindsay Hansen
Tina Inghram Jennifer Johnson Maria Kemp
Susan Kostenbauer Todd Klopp Abbie Love
Jerlyn Marchant Trevor Olson Marcy Williamson
Angela Butts
Brian Kennah Chelsey Blasczyk Skylar Carsrud
Jennifer Jungwirth Teresa Preisner Julie Cross
Stephanie Grubb Lisa Dutton Todd Hickman
Tobea Miller-Ayer Lance Hofland Gerri Moore
Sheryl O’Connor Nick Olson Amy Wilde
Mary Jayne Jordan Robert Scott Gillis Alice Willey
Kayla Hutchison Natalie Warga Shelby Gill
Kassie Clements Julie Stephany Coleen Letellier
Alyson Nelson Lisa Richter Kim Eymer
Angela Olson Jim Benvenga Kate Cummings
Susan Wilson Tiffany Johnson Lydia Guthmiller
Motion carried. Clerk/Trustee Mills turned the meeting back over to Chairman Marchant. Trustee Williams returned to the meeting.
STUDENT No action is required; the student dropped out of school.
REVISION As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the revision to Policy IGAO – Computer Education – Assisted Instruction Internet Safety. The revised wording is to make the policy compliant with e-rate funding specifications. Motion carried. A copy of the policy is attached and becomes a part of these minutes.
RECOGNITION Crook County School board members want to recognize the following for their performance or accomplishments:
o Kudos to CCSD#1 employees – the school district met all accreditation requirements!
o Congratulations to the Moorcroft High School wrestling team for its 8th consecutive state title!
o Congratulations to the Sundance High School boys’ basketball for its 2nd place finish at state!
o Congratulations to the Moorcroft High School girls’ basketball for its 3rd place finish at state!
o Many thanks to Randy Gill, Tuffy Peterson, and Matt Pangrac for resolving serious plumbing issues at central office!! They were able to do substantial repairs themselves and save the school district a lot of money! They also removed and re-laid part of the gym floor with no damage to it!
MENT Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Haiar to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 PM. Motion carried.
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Chairman Clerk