Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

I practiced in Crook County many years ago-1982-1984 and have continued to follow the ups and downs of medical care through Crook County Services District.

I am glad the hospital board had a public meeting to further discuss its management contract and CEO Nathan Hough, as reading the article it appeared some board issues hopefully were clarified. And public comments from staff and community do support Mr. Hough and HMS continuing with CCMS.

Rural hospitals are a threatened entity across America, with 100s closing over the last few years. I know Crook County has come close, but somehow CCMS has survived. And it looks like since the board retained HMS and Mr. Hough in 2017 the hospital district is doing well. The Long Term Unit which is the backbone of many rural hospitals, has gone from failing grades (1 star) to excellence. Hospital indicators of quality healthcare delivery are now present and finances, the bottom line for continuing any business has shown needed improvement.

Any rural hospital today, for survival, needs a combination of open communication, community support, employee support and good management all of which it looks like CCMS has now...unless the hospital board decides to shoot itself in the foot...


Kathi Clement, MD

St. James, MO