Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Practice makes perfect

Local firefighters gathered on Wednesday for a countywide exercise hosted by Wyoming State Forestry at the old elementary, designed to hone their skills in responding to a large-scale disaster event. Divided into teams according to the department they serve, the volunteers listened to information from dispatch as the fictitious event unfolded and considered how they would best respond. According to Jeremy Dedic, Assistant District Forester, firefighters were first alerted to a large fire near the Jackpot Ranch, caused by a lightning strike. As can often happen, this was soon followed by news of a second fire – and then a third, as well as a crash involving a bus full of tourists returning from Yellowstone. First responders made decisions as to how personnel and equipment would best be utilized in such a situation. Above, the Sundance team listens to dispatch and considers options to respond to one of the fires.