Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Thank You
The firefighters of Crook County Fire Zone 12 (Aladdin VFD) wish to thank the family of John “Bill” Whalen for naming the zone as the beneficiary of the memorial funds. We also thank all who made donations to that memorial.
Thank You
Nancy Richards Memorial Gift – Through the generosity and thoughtfulness of friends and family of Nancy Richards, a gift in her memory in the amount of $1520 has been made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Thanks to all,
Thank You
A simple “Thank You” doesn’t begin to express all that we are so grateful for after my December accident, hospitalization and therapy in Colorado.
Following surgery December 10 for a broken right femur I received calls, texts, messages, flowers and, most important, prayers and words of encouragement.
With hard work, great medical care and therapy, wonderful family and friends, determination and strong faith, I recently returned home.
What joy and feelings of gratitude!!!
With deep appreciation,
Jeanette Smith