Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Hello from Cheyenne!
We wrapped up the first week of the 2020 Budget Session on Friday evening. It was a busy week, to say the least.
Nearly 400 (398, to be exact) bills were filed in the House and Senate this session. This includes 256 bills in the House and 142 in the Senate.
Friday, February 14 was the deadline for bills to be introduced for debate, so no additional bills will be filed this session. During a Budget Session, legislative rules require a 2/3 vote for non-budget related bills to be introduced for debate. As a result, 76 of the bills filed have already failed to move forward this year.
U.S. Senator Rand Paul was my special guest at a rally in the State Capitol on Friday in support of HB 98, the Defend the Guard Act. HB 98 would have barred Wyoming guard troops from being deployed to active combat without a declaration of war from Congress.
More than 75 people attended the event from all across Wyoming. Several of the bill’s supporters spoke at the rally, including my friend Representative Andi Clifford, about the toll of war on Wyoming service members.
Unfortunately, the bill failed to receive the necessary 2/3 vote on Friday to move forward for debate. While I’m disappointed in the outcome, this is just the beginning of an important conversation about defending Wyoming troops and taking a hard look at our nation’s military missions abroad.
This session, I’m also the principal sponsor of three other bills. Details on each are as follows:
• HB 28, Firearm Regulation: This bill would prohibit governmental entities from operating firearm buyback programs – with your tax dollars! The bill passed Committee of the Whole on Friday and is continuing to work its way through the legislative process.
• HB 56, Good neighbor authority: This bill would create the Wyoming state forestry good neighbor authority revolving account to support restoration efforts across private and public lands. It was unanimously approved for introduction in the House and has been referred the House Agriculture committee.
• HB 72, Vehicle titles – transfers and receipts: This bill would modify provisions related to the issuance and transfer of certificates of title and require County Treasurers to issue an excise tax receipt. This bill was also unanimously approved for introduction and referred to the House Corporations Committee.
• HB 155, Animal Shares: This bill allows for shares to be sold on a herd of cattle for the purpose of easing access to local, affordable meat.
• The Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee, of which I serve as Chairman, is continuing to work on a number of important measures that address energy facilities and electricity generation, insurance and Blockchain technology among other issues.
Moving into the next three weeks of session, the Budget will continue to take center stage as we work our way through a comprehensive Budget for the 2021-2022 Biennium which includes operating expenses for all executive, legislative and judicial branch agencies, including the University of Wyoming, community colleges, and K-12 education.
Members of the Joint Appropriations Committee are still working on the Budget and as Representatives, we’ll have a chance to weigh in and vote on the budget and offer amendments.
I have had the great opportunity to host 4 interns from our neck of the woods this first week. Mikka Rogers is a return intern from last year and has come back as a college intern. Hunter Bailey has joined me from Hulett High School, and Teagan and Teddi Marchant are Sundance Bulldogs.
Lastly, this weekend I was pleased to have the opportunity to speak at ETH Denver along with Governor Mark Gordon and Representative Jared Olsen. This was a great opportunity to showcase Wyoming’s success as a blockchain pioneer to some of the industry’s biggest players!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 307-282-0968 or email me at [email protected]. You can also find updates about my work on my Facebook page,
Representative Tyler Lindholm
House District #1
PS – The Republican Wyoming Legislative Majority also maintains a Facebook page, They’ve kicked off a fun series called “Better Know Your Wyoming State Legislators in 60 Seconds!” Best of all – these videos are being created by student interns from Crook County.