Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


January 20, 2020




Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow

CCSD#1 will prepare & empower all students for successful, lifelong learning through effective teaching.


ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Crook County School District #1 was held in Hulett, WY, Monday, January 20, 2020, at the hour of 6:03 PM at the Hulett School.

ROLL CALL The meeting opened with the following present: Chairman Brian Marchant; Trustees Rick Gill, Keith Haiar, Dena Mills, Ken Rathbun, Heith Waddell, and Chase Williams. Trustee absent – Marlene Edwards and Thayne Gray. Administrators present – Mark Broderson, Superintendent; Sandra L. Neiman, Director of Special Education; Linda Wolfskill, Hulett School Principal; Teresa Brown, Moorcroft K8 Principal; Brian Hartwig, Sundance Elementary Principal; and Jim O’Connor, Sundance Secondary Principal.


MINUTES Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried.


AGENDA Motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Gill to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

VISITORS Terri Johnson, Hulett patron & grandparent of children at Hulett School, stated she is in favor of allowing the Greater Hulett Community Center to serve alcohol; she would like the GHCC to have one year to try out the scenario. Crystal Mayfield, Greater Hulett Community Center Coordinator, also spoke about the request. Bobbi Butler, Hulett School graduate, parent, volunteer, and community member, also informed board members of her support and asked why a decision had not been made. There was conversation between board members and audience members.

ARRIVAL Trustee Gray arrived at 6:11 PM.

VISITORS (cont.) Jesse Hinkhouse and Michelle Davis, Moorcroft K8 teachers, informed board members of a new reading program. Each MK8 staff member, student, and parent will read Fenway & Hattie by Victoria J. Coe and discuss it at school. It is the intent of the program to bridge the gap between family and school – to create a community - one book one school.

FINANCIAL Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to approve the financial reports. Motion carried.

BOCES/BOCHES No reports.


PRINCIPALS Information included with the superintendent’s report.

SUPERINTENDENT Mark Broderson, Superintendent, informed board members that:

o He and Trustee Rathbun attended the WSBA Board Member Training in Casper on Saturday; the training focused on trust building and working as a team.

o He will attend the Northeast Superintendent’s Retreat in Ucross on Wednesday and Thursday.

o Moorcroft staff will attend PLC Leadership workshops in Gillette on January 23 & 24.

o Principals will attend the state convention on January 27 & 28.

o MK8 is hosting the upcoming Missoula Children’s Theatre production of Beauty Lou and the Country Beast.

o MHS started night classes; the Moorcroft Mixer wrestling tournament is this week; the building coalition team is creating vision, mission, and school goals; MHS is completing a Prevention Needs Assessment with the state; and the school changed how home room is used.

o Sundance Elementary is hosting Donuts for Dads, and Little Dribblers basketball participants will be performing at half-time high school basketball games this month.

o SHS is hosting a Poetry Out Loud competition later this month.

o There is a Hulett transportation report at the back of their notebook compiled by Deb Bush, Hulett transportation coordinator.

o The school counselors have been reviewing the district’s suicide policy this year, and feel it is acceptable. Schools will continue to work on Rachel’s Challenge, and staff will continue to refine procedures & protocols to follow after an incident. The protocols follow guidelines from “Components of School-Based Suicide Postvention”.

o Secondary staff members continue the process of working on rubrics for assessing standards.


SESSION Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to go into executive session at 6:24 PM to discuss personnel and student issues. Motion carried.


SESSION Chairman Marchant called the meeting back into regular session at 6:35 PM.


AGENDA Chairman Marchant asked if any board member would like any item removed from the Consent Agenda.

Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the Consent Agenda.

To approve the bill listing and to issue warrants in payment thereof.

To approve resignations:

1. Jim Pannell - Hulett School Agriculture Education Teacher & FFA Sponsor

2. Deanna Maston – Sundance Elementary High Needs Special Education Para

To approve hiring:

1. Tacey Martin - Sundance Elementary High Needs Special Education Para

2. Vicky Adams – Sundance Bus Route Driver

To approve 2019-2020 extra-duty contract:

1. Sonny Merchen – Moorcroft HS Boys’ Basketball Assistant Coach

To approve 2019-2020 EWC Non-Credit Instructor Contracts:

1. Todd Hickman – Crate Bench, Cribbage Board

2. David Letellier – Festive Woodworking

To approve 2019-2020 isolation requests:

1. Brandon Ackerman

2. Levi & Lana Dacar

3. Shelbi Martin

4. Craig & Ashley Wood

To approve a student tuition special education related services contract with Northeast Wyoming BOCES.

Motion carried.

HIRING Motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Gill to approve hiring Mark R. Broderson as CCSD#1 Superintendent for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried.

TERMINATION As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Williams and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to terminate the employment of Naomi Munch as Moorcroft High School custodian as of December 12, 2019. Motion carried.

NEW POLICY As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Gray to approve the first reading of Access Control. Motion carried. A copy of the policy is attached and becomes a part of these minutes. Did WSBA Attorney, Tracy Copenhaver, supply this sample policy? Janell Willems, Technology Director, informed board members she used a policy from the Denver public school system.

REVISION As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Gray to approve the revision to Policy JFAB – Homeless Students as per the recommendation of WSBA Attorney Tracy Copenhaver. The term “homeless students” has been replaced with “children or youths in transition”. Discussion was held about the word transition - other districts had voiced an opinion that there should be a less confusing word. Motion failed. Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Gill to table revising the policy. Motion carried.


STUDENTS As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Haiar to contact the Crook County district attorney to declare a Sundance Secondary student and two Moorcroft High School students as habitually truant; the names of those students are included in the board notebooks. Motion carried.

ENHANCEMENTS As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Mills to approve two local enhancements, as required by the Wyoming School Division of the Wyoming State Construction Department, for the Hulett bus maintenance MPV storage shed and the Moorcroft bus maintenance MPV storage shed with estimated construction costs of $12,000 each. Motion carried.

RECOGNITION None this month.

o Congratulations to the special education department! The Wyoming Department of Education confirmed that the IEPs the WDE requested for audit purposes were found to be fully compliant with the WDE checklist; no further action is necessary!

o Congratulations to Sundance High School students Teddi Marchant and Teagan Marchant, who were chosen to intern for Rep. Tyler Lindholm during the 2020 Legislative Session!

o Congratulations to Lila Kennah, Hulett School music teacher and Wyoming Music Association president, who applied for and received a Governor’s Arts Award on behalf of the WMA!

o Congratulations to Hulett HS student, Sheldon Jolley, for receiving the good sportsmanship award at Douglas!

DISCUSSION Discussion was held on the request to serve alcohol at the Greater Hulett Community Center among board members, audience members, and Attorney Hughes. Terms for a Memorandum of Understanding between CCSD#1 and the Town of Hulett was discussed. Chairman Marchant informed those present that an action item would be added to the February agenda.

Trustee Rathbun informed board members that the main topic at this year’s WSBA conference was trust. He handed out a self-assessment form for board members to complete and requested permission from Chairman Marchant to discuss the results at the February board meeting; Chairman Marchant gave his approval.


MENT Motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Gill to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 PM. Motion carried.

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Chairman Clerk

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