Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
December 3
Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)
December 3rd Regular Board Meeting Minutes
12:00pm USDA Service Center in Sundance, Wyoming
The meeting was called to order at 12:20 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the USDA Service Center, 117 South 21st Street, Sundance, Wyoming.
Board: Wayne Garman, Ted Parsons, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer
Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (Call in)
Guests: NRCS District Conservationist Keela Deaton. FSA Executive Director Sarah Hanlon
NRCS Update- Ms. Deaton gave a short update on WACD Convention. In January NRCS staff will be out of the office for a weeklong training for a new program.
FSA Update- The FSA county committee election is almost over, ballots will be counted on December 9. Ms. Hanlon briefed the board on the CRP training update and reminded them of the Eat & Greet event December 9.
Water Quality
Ms. McIntyre is in the process of QA/QC for the DEQ. She updated the board on WACD Convention and the NPS Task Force meeting. There will be a new coordinator for NPS task force; the new coordinator should be selected by spring. The joint board meeting with Campbell County will be scheduled for next month; Campbell County offered to host the meeting, the Board suggested January 30th at noon.
BMP Reimbursements Ms. Altaffer made a motion to pay 3 contracts submitted for payment. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried, applications for payment were signed.
The Phase IV 319 grant is on track to close out in December.
Local Issues
Ms. McIntyre has been in contact with Commissioner Whalen about the Carlile water issue. Ms. McIntyre asked Jaime Tarver to update the County Commissioners; she was on their agenda for today.
Forest Health
Ms. Anderson shared the new Firewise pamphlet that will be available at the courthouse. The WSFD hazardous fuels program has a new coordinator. Progress has been slowed because of the weather but contractors are still working.
Bark beetle update 50 acres were completed in November; all contractual obligations have been met. The admin money will be allocated for the final reporting. A new grant was awarded for $127,000 of the $259,200 requested, pending contract. $500,000 was available to the whole State and WSFD received more proposals than they had available funding for.
Ms. Anderson brought up community forestry funding and the Board discussed options, including Tree City USA.
Ms. Altaffer made a motion to pay the bills as presented and verify correspondence with the financial voucher for November expenses. Ms. Burget seconded the motion. Motion carried. All checks were signed
The Quickbooks account was reconciled with the bank account. Ms. Burget opened the sealed bank statement and verified the reconciliation report.
Approve Minutes Ms. Altaffer made a motion to approve the November 5, 2019 meeting minutes. Mr. Parsons seconded. Motion carried.
MOU with NRCS No document was available to approve.
Board Vacancy Ad Ms. Helms presented the ad; discussion ensued, and a few edits were made. The ad will run for 2-3 weeks in all 3 county newspapers. Contact previous applicants- need to find their addresses. Brainstorming possible candidates. Post to Facebook. Ms. Anderson is keeping a list of people to reach out to.
LGLP Ballot Board discussion; candidates were chosen for the ballot. Ms. Anderson updated the board on the history of the site and how the domain was lost. Discussion brought up about the possible name change in the future. The Board would like to have a website.
Annual Plan/Annual Report/One Page Summary The Board reviewed the Annual Plan of Work and Annual Report drafts.
Monarch Habitats in Hulett Ms. Altaffer asked about funding available to help. None of the current grants allow for this, Ms. McIntyre was going to do some research.
E-Cycling Ms. Altaffer would like to add an appliance recycler to the event. She would also prefer to host an event in May 2020.
Employee Reviews Mr. Parsons made a motion to enter executive session for employee evaluations. Ms. Altaffer seconded. The Board went into executive session at 2:30 pm; concluding at 4:18 pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:25pm
Office Manager Signature:
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Chairman Signature:
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