Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

The Times

January 28, 1920

Mike Elmore of Little Powder (the old Six Half-Circle ranch) and Paul Lokker of Thunder Basin south of Gillette were in Sundance this week bidding in isolated tracts sold at the U.S. land office. Mr. Elmore stated that he considered himself at least a thousand dollars better off than he expected to be after the sale, as he would have paid at least that amount more for the tract had it been necessary.

Good music by a three-piece orchestra – Ren Gardner, Fred Woller and Mrs. Hilton – for the Valentine dance at Beulah hall two weeks from Saturday night. Oyster supper, too.

A dispatch from Cheyenne Tuesday says that without a dissenting vote the house at 3:30 ratified the suffrage amendment. The vote stood: Ayes 44; excused 2; absent 8. The senate ratified the amendment unanimously, and the Wyoming legislature went on record as having been the only state in the Union to vote as a unit for the measure. The amendment was put through in about forty minutes under a suspension of the rules.

75 Years Ago

January 25, 1945

That Pvt. Edgar W. Redinger has been reported missing in action in Belgium since December the 18th, the Times is advised by his wife, the former Virginia Lipe of Hulett. Edgar, who formerly lived near Aladdin, took his training at Camp Fannin, Texas, where he was with Co. C., 63rd Bn., 13th Training Regt., IRTC.

Twenty-two registrants were called to go to Denver, Colorado for selective service examinations this Monday, January 22. This is the largest group to be called in months. Those who left from here Monday via bus were: Frank J. Policky, Edwin James Frolander and Clifton E. Clark, all of Sundance, Woodrow H. Vore of Beulah, Ernest Leitner of Aladdin, G.F. Anderson of Gillette, Eldon Neilson of Alva, and John E. Daugherty of Billings who is formerly of Moorcroft. Those from Hulett included Harold E. Wells, Jr., Earl J. Wood, Laraine C. Brimmer, James W. Russell, Wiley G. Brimmer, Hulett C. Wood, Howard R. Lemrick, Donald E. McPherson, William Harry Chapman and Thaddious G. Brimmer. Four of the group transferred to other places- George H. Gibbs to Buffalo, Wyo; Cecil R. Lemrick to Bozeman, Mont.; Anton W. Kraft to Port Orchard, Wash., and Edward B. Burgess to Chadron Nebraska.

50 Years Ago

January 29, 1970

Bighorn sheep trapping operations on Whiskey Mountain near Dubois by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department have netted 22 bighorns this winter, which are now roaming new homes in New Mexico of on Inyan Kara Mountain in Wyoming’s Black Hills. Two rams were released on Inyan Kara to supplement a plant made there last year.

Airman Keith Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davidson, Sundance, has been assigned to Lowry AFB, Colo. for training in the ammunitions and weapons maintenance field. Davidson is a 1969 graduate of Sundance high school and recently completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex.

25 Years Ago

January 26, 1995

At their meeting on January 19, the Crook County School Board of Trustees approved the hiring of Jeffrey S. Carrier as District Superintendent for another year.

The Crook County Horseman’s Association is looking for directors, officers and interested people to help put on the 1995 Crook County Fair Rodeo and Kids Playdays. Due to the lack of interest at the last meetings, discontinuation of the 1995 Fair Rodeo and Playdays is a distinct possibility.

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