Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


December 16, 2019




Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow

CCSD#1 will prepare & empower all students for successful, lifelong learning through effective teaching.


ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Crook County School District #1 was held in Sundance, WY, Monday, December 16, 2019, at the hour of 6:00 PM at Sundance Secondary.

ROLL CALL The meeting opened with the following present: Chairman Brian Marchant; Trustees Marlene Edwards, Rick Gill, Dena Mills, Ken Rathbun, and Heith Waddell. Trustees absent – Keith Haiar, Thayne Gray, and Chase Williams. Administrators present – Mark Broderson, Superintendent; Becky Waters, Moorcroft High School Principal; Brian Hartwig, Sundance Elementary Principal; and Jim O’Connor, Sundance Secondary Principal.


MINUTES Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Waddell to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried.


AGENDA Motion was made by Trustee Edwards and seconded by Trustee Gill to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.




Mark Hughes, CCSD#1 Attorney, acted as Chairman Pro Tem until a chairman was voted into office.

Chairman Trustee Gill nominated Trustee Marchant as chairman. Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Waddell to elect Trustee Marchant. Motion carried. Mark Hughes turned the meeting over to Chairman Marchant.

Vice-Chairman Trustee Mills nominated Trustee Gill as vice-chairman. Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Edwards to elect Trustee Gill. Motion carried.

Clerk Trustee Gill nominated Trustee Mills as clerk. Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Edwards to elect Trustee Mills. Motion carried.

Treasurer Trustee Gill nominated Trustee Rathbun as treasurer. Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Mills to elect Trustee Rathbun. Motion carried.

Appointments Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Gill to keep appointments 1-8 as currently listed:

1. Federal Projects Officer — Superintendent

2. Title IX Officer — Superintendent

3. Surplus Property Officer — Superintendent

4. Attendance Officers - Building Principals

5. Official Newspapers (*Wyoming Pioneer, Moorcroft Leader, Sundance Times)

6. School Attorney (*Mark Hughes)

7. Bank Depositories (*Summit National Bank of Hulett, Pinnacle Bank of Moorcroft, Sundance State Bank, WY Government Investment Fund)

8. Audit Firm (*Leo Riley & Co.)

Motion carried.

Trustee Mills nominated Trustee Edwards as Northeast Wyoming BOCES representative. Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to appoint Trustee Edwards as Northeast Wyoming BOCES representative. Motion carried.

Trustee Gill nominated Trustee Edwards as Legislative Liaison. Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Mills to appoint Trustee Edwards as Legislative Liaison. Motion carried.

Trustee Gill nominated Trustee Haiar as EWC BOCHES representative. Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Mills to appoint Trustee Haiar as EWC BOCHES representative. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Trustee Waddell and seconded by Trustee Edwards to appoint Rick Gill, Brian Marchant, Ken Rathbun and Chase Williams to the 2020-2021 Salary Committee. Motion carried.

VISITORS No visitors asked to address the board.

FINANCIAL Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Gill to approve the financial reports. Motion carried.

BOCES Trustee Edwards informed board members she attended the last BOCES meeting at the WSBA 2019 Annual Conference in Casper; it was routine business with no unusual agenda items. The next meeting is Thursday, December 19, in Gillette. Trustee Edwards offered to share BOCES minutes, financial reports, and other information with CCSD#1 board members upon their request.


& PRINCIPALS Information from special programs and principals is included with the superintendent’s report.

SUPERINTENDENT Mark Broderson, Superintendent, informed board members that:

o He included an article from the Casper Star Tribune on the request from Senator Tom James, Rock Springs, for the names of all state employees and their wages. The Wyoming Department of Education is required to release the name and salary of every school district employee by December 27.

o He also included a flyer for the 2020 WSBA Winter Board Development Workshops; please contact Jan if you want to go so she can register you; Trustee Edwards and Mr. Broderson plan to attend.

o The district has a newly enrolled student with a special education BOCES contract, so our school district is taking over the contract.

o The Love & Logic training on last Friday’s inservice day for special education teachers and paras was well received.

o He informed board members of the dates and times of the various school Christmas concerts.

o MAP testing is completed.

o The winter athletic programs have begun.

o Sundance Elementary staff and community members held a family STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) night in honor of Tammy Needham, who was the Destination Imagination sponsor for many years.

o The school resource officer (SRO) program begins after the Christmas break.

o He attended a QPR (question, persuade, refer) suicide prevention training last Saturday.

o Expenditures for district CTE (career technology education) programs so far this year:

- Sundance Secondary has purchased an upgraded quilting machine ($13,000) for family & consumer sciences; an upgraded laser engraver ($27,000) for industrial arts; and a greenhouse package to be installed next spring ($27,000) for the ag classes.

- Moorcroft High School has not decided how to use its funds yet.

- Hulett School is waiting for additional cost estimates on an ag building.


AGENDA Chairman Marchant asked if any board member would like any item removed from the Consent Agenda.

Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Waddell to approve the Consent Agenda.

To approve the bill listing and to issue warrants in payment thereof.

To approve a $10,000 bond for treasurer subject to receiving bond in the name of Ken Rathbun, the newly elected treasurer.

To approve the resignation of Kimberly Jones, Moorcroft High School math teacher, in December of 2019.

To approve the resignation of Patricia Dykes, Hulett School special education para, in May of 2020.

To approve the retirement of Linda Wolfskill, Hulett School Principal, in May of 2020.

To approve 2019-2020 extra-duty contracts:

1. Corey Allison – Moorcroft HS Wrestling Assistant Coach

2. Arlie Hulm – Moorcroft HS Girls’ Basketball Assistant Coach

3. Joe Kissack – Moorcroft JH Boys’ Basketball Coach

4. Matt Albertson – Moorcroft JH Boys’ Basketball Coach

To approve Moorcroft K8 after school program hiring:

1. Arlie Hulm

2. Alyssa Brown

Motion carried.


RECOGNITION Crook County School Board members want to recognize the following for their performance or accomplishments.

o Kudos to Sundance Elementary students who used their purple Friday time to make and deliver Christmas gifts to residents at the assisted living residence!

o Kudos to Deb Bush for assembling Christmas food baskets for Hulett families!

o Kudos to the Hulett Elementary cheer team who attended games in support of the secondary students! Coaches are Katie Moody and Heather Cornett.

o Congratulations to SHS student, Rhianna Heaster! Rhianna was elected to the state drama board and is the newly elected president of the Wyoming Association of Student Councils (WASC)!

DISCUSSION Discussion was held about the request, from the Greater Hulett Community Center, to serve alcohol at its events. Mark Hughes will draw up an agreement with several key points: OK to serve liquor at the Turkey Shoot and during the month of July; licensed liquor vendors only; proof of insurance by the GHCC; and CCSD#1 could revoke the privilege if problems arise. Mr. Hughes also researched if the Gun Free Zones statute applied to the GHCC property; it is interpretation that because the GHCC is on private property, the Gun Free Zones statute does not apply. The agreement will be an action item on next month’s agenda.

Discussion was held about the Hulett ag building. The board agreed to fund $400,000 of the project; however, estimates are coming in at $600,000+. Can the Hulett community fundraise the difference? Can the project be modified or downsized? What needs to be done moving forward? The board directed Randy Gill to advertise for bids for the Hulett ag building project.

Pamela Garman, Ken Rathbun, Marlene Edwards, and Mark Hughes attended the 2019 WSBA Annual Conference last month. Heather Forbes was a presenter at the conference; a copy of her book, Help for Billy, was purchased for each board member. It deals with managing the classroom to help students with complex trauma.


MENT Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 PM. Motion carried.

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Chairman Clerk

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