Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

The Times

December 3, 1919

Mr. Partlow by the U.S. weather instruments reports the snowfall during November as 20 inches and 28 and a fraction inches during October and November.

The Thanksgiving dance and supper by the commercial club at the hall last Thursday night was a grand social affair despite the severe temperature. The large hall was well filled and the festivities continued until well toward morning. Much to the pleasure of an awakened community, Kenneth Wells contributed the violin part to the snappy music a good part of the time and the affair was a joy from beginning to end.

75 Years Ago

December 7, 1944

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Semlek of the Adon vicinity received a wire Sunday that their son W.A. (Bill) Semlek, who several weeks ago was reported missing in action, is now a prisoner of the Germans. No other details are available. Bill, who had been in the army over three years, was in France the last that was known – he had been serving there with the Infantry since early summer.

Joe Allread, Walt Tracy and Sid Harvey were appointed by Lion President Otis Reynolds to meet with the County Commissioners this week in regards to having some representation at the coming air conference to be held at the Casper Army Air Base Dec. 16.

Mr. Ralph Canfield received a telegram from the War Department on November 18 stating that his son Pvt. Glenn Canfield was slightly wounded in action in France. “Lefty” as he was better known to many of his friend s here left two years ago last February for Army services. He has been overseas since a year ago last April.

50 Years Ago

December 4, 1969

County Attorney Cecil Hughes and his young daughter narrowly escaped drowning last week at Keyhole Dam. The near-tragedy occurred when Hughes’ daughter Leslie Ann, 6, went through the ice and Hughes, after rescuing her, was hard pressed to get out of the water himself. There were no other people in the vicinity. Bill Hughes, a brother of Cecil, said Hughes was closing his Keyhole trailer for the winter. The little girl wandered off the dock onto the ice and fell through. Hughes dove into the water, finally lifted the little girl out and slid her to safety on top of the ice. The ice kept breaking with Hughes and he came up under the ice twice but managed to batter it open it with his head. Hughes kept breaking the edge of the ice until he was able to get his feet on the bottom and get out of the water.

Crook County Weed and Pest Inspector Lyle Crosby was elected to the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council during a recent meeting in Thermopolis. Crosby was elected treasurer of the council.

A fire started by an unknown hunter was controlled Monday morning after burning 50 acres in Tent Canyon on the Sundance Burn about three miles north of Sundance. District Forest Ranger John Windsor said the fire was definitely started by a hunter. The blaze was reported on Sunday by Kenneth Glover and was finally brought under control at 11 a.m. on Monday. Fighting the fire were Forest Service personnel, a Neiman Logging Co. crew from Hulett and several volunteers.

25 Years Ago

December 8, 1994

Eight football players from the 1994 Sundance High School team were placed on the 1A-11 man Powder River All-Conference team. Of the eight, five were seniors. They were: Donovan Derrek, Wes Duvall, Lee Wyatt, Travis Livingston and Jason Farver. Farver was named to both the offensive and defensive team (Farver was also named to the all-state team). Three juniors were also placed on the team: Clay Marchant, Ian Norelius and Steve Geis. Honorable mention went to Charles Castor and Aaron Kelsey.

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