Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

The Times

November 26, 1919

The proposition of dragging some of the principal roads hereabout for the removal of snow this winter as an experiment is still pending with prospect good for trying it out.

Eight below, says Mr. Partlow, Tuesday night, and the same temperature existing this forenoon with the prospect that it may turn cold along towards evenin’.

75 Years Ago

November 30, 1944

Malcolm J. Driskill, formerly of Hulett, who has been missing in action since the battle of Midway, died of wounds received in the Midway battle according to word received last week by his grandfather, J.L. Driskill, Sr. Word that he was missing came to the Driskill family at Spearfish on Christmas day two years ago. Relatives heard nothing more of him until the notice of his death was received.

Freight cars buckled and turned in an accidental derailment just outside of Moorcroft Saturday morning when an eastbound freight was wrecked. Eighteen cars were derailed, it is reported; several were completely turned over including one oil car. Some, past repairing, were later burned to dispose of them. None of the train crew was seriously injured.

50 Years Ago

November 27, 1969

Several state and federal officials were in Sundance Monday and toured now abandoned Sundance Air Force Station to investigate the use of the facility as a potential regional Indian job training center. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Harry Roberts said the meeting was exploratory only. Roberts said if local residents want to keep the station facilities they must develop a project for the site which is practical and which the General Services Administration, which is handling the disposition of the station, feels is sure to last for some time.

George L. Prazma, Wyoming Game and Fish Department enforcement coordinator, and Mrs. Prazma moved to Sundance Monday from Riverton. The Prazmas have purchased the Harold Carlson home here.

25 Years Ago

December 1, 1994

Two SHS students have been selected for the All Northwest Choirs which will meet in Spokane, WA in February. For the first time in the history of SHS, two students have been selected. Kaylin Anderson has been selected for the SSA Women’s Choir and Jason Lanning has been selected for the All NW Jazz Choir. Former SHS students who have been selected are: Pete Tebo, Shantel Gill and Leslie Quillian, each selected in different years.

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