Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Card of Thanks

Our Thanks

The Silver Spurs 4-H Club would like to thank Crook County Fair Board for putting on the 2019 fair. Your dedication and hard work are greatly appreciated.

We would also like to thank fair superintendents, fair volunteers, judges, Sundance State Bank for their continued support during the Junior Livestock Sale, Crook County Junior Livestock Committee, Farm Bureau for the barbecue, all the livestock buyers and donors who donated toward the fair, Jim Pannell Brian Kennah, Hugh Jenkins, Terry Goodvin, Brian Neiman, Wade Crawford, DVM, Mark McNamee and ring men during the sale, First American Title for keeping everyone hydrated and anyone that we have missed.

Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Silver Spurs 4-H Club

Karson Amos, Kori Amos, Jesse Driskill, Keagan Gantz, Koltin Gantz, Johnathan Geib, Ellie Jay, Emma Jay, Jolee Jay, Lane Jay, Elizabeth Jordan, Gabriella Jordan, Teddi Marchant, Cana McInerney, Izaeah Olson Ashlynn Shoun, Kohlee Shoun, Myah Shoun, Payton Timberman, Teagan Timberman, Brach Westover, Kaydence Westover and Kaiser Wilhelm

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