Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Sundance FCCLA recently installed six new officers: Kate Sell (President), Rhianna Heaster (Vice President), Baillee Heaster (Treasurer), Bailey Hofland (Parliamentarian), Nevada Gill (Secretary) and Brook Hofland (Public Relations).
The chapter is very excited for this year and its upcoming projects. Aftyn Merchant and Brook Hofland have partnered up to sew 36 pillows and pillow covers at the request of the kindergarten class. They will use these pillows for nap time.
The chapter is also volunteering for Kid Prints, Inc. They will have a booth at the annual fall carnival and bake cakes for the cake walk.
Kate Sell has been making and selling cookies to help raise money for member projects, and so far it has been very successful. In the next few weeks the group will also be making and selling apple pies to help members pay their state and national dues.
Eight members will be traveling to Casper to the WY FCCLA Fall Conference, October 16. Nevada Gill and Baillee Heaster are District Officers who are in charge of the planning and leadership sessions for the fall conference.
Submitted by Brook Hofland