Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Dear Editor:
Although it has been four years since we moved to Crook County, we recently attended our first Sundance High School football game. We were not prepared for what we experienced.
Expecting the typical field rivalry and friction, attitudes and social drama among students and intense, aggressive players, we found none of this.
The U.S. Patriots showed exemplary sportsmanship toward the Lusk team, obviously cultured by good coaching and school leadership. The students that we observed, sat among and socialized with were all cheerful, mature and totally positive and free from any bad language or behavior. They freely included us in their conversations as though we were old family friends as did the parents in the bleachers. Everyone was accommodating and supportive of the opposing team as well.
It’s not like this in other towns. Sundance should be very proud of its great football team, students and community in general for culturing such positivity and high standards. We are proud to live here.
Gerard and Laura Brennan
Canyon Springs