Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

The Times

September 10, 1919

From the Moorcroft Democrat: Otis Zimmerschied, of Carlile, is one of eleven men named by Governor Carey to represent the agricultural interest of Wyoming at the Fourteenth International Farm Congress to be held at Kansas City.

In the decisive meet of the benedicts vs. the bachelors at the Sundance ball park last Friday the former proved themselves the superiors – if the classification is proper and the latter will permit it. The score was 9 to 4, and since this was two out or three we hear nothing of another game during the present season.

Hugh Heckinger has developed into some swapper, having this week traded his Ford and some coin for a Buick Six car, a Nebraska man travelling this way passing on with the Ford, and Hugh is going through the throes of transition from an Elizabeth driver to a Buick chauffeur.

75 Years Ago

September 14, 1944

With fewer students reported in most of the schools in the state, Sundance schools report the largest enrollment since 1939. In the high school 116 students were enrolled. One hundred and twenty students are enrolled in the grade school division. There were no changes in the faculty line-up from that announced previously and there are only two new teachers: Miss Kerns who teaches home economics in the high school and Mrs. Robinson who has the 5th and 6th grades.

Possibilities of establishing some sort of recreational center for students was discussed by the high school board at its first meeting of the school year on Monday night. Although no definite action was taken it is understood that opinion favored such an undertaking.

50 Years Ago

September 11, 1969

John E. Mooney, Soil Conservation Service range conservationist started work here Monday following his assignment to the Sundance SCS office. Mooney replaces Jerry Gladson, who has been assigned to Dubois as district conservationist.

Gene Griffis, Hulett, won top money and all-around honors at the Northwest Rodeo Cowboy Association finals held in Belle Fourche. Griffis won firsts in bareback riding both days and placed second in saddle bronc riding on average.

25 Years Ago

September 15, 1994

Paul Baker II, of Moorcroft has been appointed to the board of directors of Tri-County Electric Association. He was named to fill the unexpired term of Lee Schloredt who passed away in August.

A number of the residents of the Canyon were present at Monday’s City Council meeting to voice concerns about the Canyon Road. Some of the concerns expressed were increased traffic, speeding, noise, sanitary conditions, etc. They were told that there is an ordinance covering truck traffic. The council told them that a lower speed limit could be considered but that the residents themselves would have to set it. Since current conditions were likely to change, the council was reluctant to make any specific changes at this time.
