Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County Natural Resource District

August 6

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

August 6th Regular Board Meeting


The meeting was called to orderat 10:00 am by Chairman Wayne Garman at the USDA Service Center, 117 South 21st Street, Sundance, Wyoming.


Board: Wayne Garman, Ted Parsons, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (Call in)

Guests:NRCS District Conservationist Keela Deaton, FSAExecutive DirectorSarah Hanlon, Jaime Tarver-DOWL


Crook County Water Study-Jaime Tarver, DOWLgave the Board information on the water study meeting her team is hosting on August 13thin Carlile. This meeting is to inform the public of the study which is to examine options for ensuring the Carlile area has safe drinking water for domestic and livestock use. They will be looking at the water wells and their history and looking at options to supply water to that area. Draft reports are anticipated by Fall 2020. Community meetings will take place throughout the length of the study. The Board will be updated with all major developments.

NRCS Update-Keela Deatonhas been in the field inspecting cover crops. Six are complete and ready for payment and 2 contracts need approval. Ms. Altaffer made a motion to sign off on contracts ready for payment. Mr. Parsons seconds. Motion carried. All money has been obligated for RCPP and contracts are moving forward. There has been 3200 acres of thinning done in the last 2 years surpassing goal of 2500 acres. Joint chiefs ‘project is being finalized and about $320,000 will be spent. Funds need to be obligated by end of September.

FSA Update- Sarah Hanlonprovided the Board with some handouts on the Farm Bill and Introductions to Programs Meeting she is holding September 6th. It will be a problem and solution-basedmeeting, so producers know what programs could help them and how.

Water Quality by Carmen

WQ Monitoring SeasonMs. McIntyre provided the Board an update on water quality data collected for the month of July. She also reported that the sampling audit performed by the WY Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ) went well and that no major issues were noted

Sediment StudyThe Board gave Ms. McIntyre approval to look into potential funding for a sediment bacteria study.

Local IssuesMs. McIntyre was in recent communication with Mr. Kanodeof Strata Energy. Their Interim Operations Plan will likely be submitted to the WYDEQ in a couple of months. A meeting with Strata was suggested to occur at the time of the report completion. This report will conclude Stage 1 of their implementation plan for utilizing low pH lixiviant.

FForest Health by Sarah

CAFA updateContractors are on site and one contract is ready to pay today. 800 acres total has been allocated.

Bark beetle updateThe MPB grant closes out in December. The contracts have a deadline of 10/15 and most contracts will be paid in November and December.


Financial Voucher — Ms. Altaffer made a motion to pay the bills as presented and verify correspondence with the financial voucher for July expenses. Mr. Parsons seconded the motion. Motion carried. All checks were signed.

Reconciliation Report — Mr. Parsons made a motion to approve the bank reconciliation report. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried.

Approve Minutes

Ms. Altaffer made a motion to approve the June 27, 2019 and July 3, 2019 meeting minutes. Mr. Parsons seconded. Motion carried.


Pine Cone Minor Subdivision ReviewMs. Helms briefed the Board about the subdivision review. The original review was done in November 2018 for 4 lots and will now include 5 lots. Mr. Parsons made a motion to charge $100 for the addition of a 5th lot. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried.

State Funding CriteriaDocuments for State Funding Criteria were reviewed and signed by Mr. Garman.

Letter to County CommissionersA Thank You letter was reviewed and signed by the Board to deliver at today’s County Commissioner’s meeting.

Fall E-cycling EventThe Board discussed possible dates in September and will look at the first 2 weekends in September as options. Ms. Helms will contact ProTech Computing and the Fairgrounds to be sure of availability for those dates. Ms. Altaffer will handle arrangements in Hulett.

Elected Officials Meeting Mr.Garman suggested waiting until later in the year as our monthly updates to the County Commissioner’s do meet this obligation.

WACD Annual Awards Nominations The call for nominations was discussed and the deadline for submittal was noted. Jennifer Hinkhouse will be nominated by the Board.

Area 1 MeetingWill be held September 18th in Campbell County. The Board and Employees will attend.

ConventionWill be held Nov 13-15 in Buffalo, attendance was discussed.. Ms. Altaffer will not be attending.

Other Business

Break at 1-2 for county commissioner’s meeting

Ms. Helms asked the Board about the possibility of a different schedule for the school year. Ms. Burget made a motion to wait for more information. Ms. Altaffer seconds.

Ms. McIntyre requested more hours allowed each week. Mr. Parsons made a motion to allow Ms.McIntyre to work up to 23 hours per week. Ms. Altaffer seconds. Motion carried.

MMotion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Burget at 2:20 pm

Office Manager Signature: _____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

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