Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Sundance Community Handbell Choir will be starting another ringing year in September. The 501(c)3 group plays a wide variety of music in churches, long-term care centers, weddings, funerals and miscellaneous and sundry entertainment venues.
New ringers are being recruited. Music background or experience is not required, only a desire to have fun while sharing the unique beauty of handbell music. “On-the-job training” is provided!
Ringers are also not required to guarantee availability at all functions; the choir rings when there are enough ringers. Interested people are encouraged to observe a rehearsal or two to see if handbell ringing would be a good fit for them.
The new ringing season will begin with a barbecue on Sept. 5 at 6:30 p.m., followed by viewing of former performances. Anyone interested in the choir is encouraged to attend and can call Director Janet Lake at 283-2215 for more information.