Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Birthday bash planned for Old Stoney

Sundance’s iconic school building has reached its 96th birthday and the community is invited to share the celebration with cake and entertainment. On August 30 from 4 to 6 p.m., the Old Stoney birthday party will be taking place at the gazebo on the courthouse lawn.

The event will include a BBQ meal, cupcakes courtesy of Melanie Wilmer and other snacks, says Pam Thompson of the Old Stoney Restoration Committee. Museum Director Rocky Courchaine will be available to give tours of Old Stoney itself, where construction is ongoing to renovate the first floor and basement level.

Meanwhile, says Thompson, Andy and Jim Nelson will be on hand to entertain the crowd. The Idaho-born brothers host a weekly syndicated radio broadcast called “Clear Out West”.

“They are poets, announcers, humorists and Andy is an auctioneer and will auction off the Old Stoney windows. They tell funny former-rancher stories and jokes and have written their own poetry and read others’ [poetry],” Thompson says.

“They learned to shoe horses from their dad, and a lot of their stories are about their dad, too.”

The auction items in question are old storm windows from Old Stoney.

“We give them to anybody who wants to paint or decorate them and bring them back for us to auction them off,” she explains.

The windows are a little bit of history repurposed for the present. For example, one window was decorated as a polka dot-adorned “to do” list, another is an artistic depiction of cowboy scenes in silhouette.

A 50/50 raffle will also take place, in which the proceeds made from selling raffle tickets are divided such that, “However much money we make, we split it with you,” Thompson says.

The community is invited to enjoy the festivities and celebrate its heritage, but do be sure to “bring your own lawn chair,” Thompson smiles.

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