Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County School District No. 1

August 19, 2019




Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow

CCSD#1 will prepare & empower all students for successful, lifelong learning through effective teaching.


ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Crook County School District #1 was held in Sundance WY, Monday, August 19, 2019, at the hour of 6:00 PM at central office.

ROLL CALL The meeting opened with the following present: Vice-Chairman Rick Gill; Trustees Marlene Edwards, Thayne Gray, Keith Haiar, Dena Mills, Ken Rathbun, Heith Waddell, and Chase Williams. Trustee absent – Brian Marchant. Administrators present – Mark Broderson, Superintendent; Sandra L. Neiman, Director of Special Education; Linda Wolfskill, Hulett School Principal; Teresa Brown, Moorcroft K8 Principal; Brian Hartwig, Sundance Elementary Principal; and Jim O’Connor, Sundance Secondary Principal.


MINUTES Motion was made by Trustee Williams and seconded by Trustee Gray to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried.


AGENDA Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Haiar to adopt the agenda with changes as presented by Vice-Chairman Gill. The transportation coordinators will present this year’s bus routes so they do not have to stay for the entire meeting before getting to the action items; and the reports will precede the executive session. Motion carried.

BUS ROUTES The three transportation coordinators gave an overview of the 2019-2020 bus routes. Deb Davis, Sundance coordinator, reported on changes to the Wishbone Fencing route. Deb Bush, Hulett coordinator, spoke about minor route changes; she also reported that 21 students from the Moorcroft attendance center are now going to school in Hulett. Tim Cuthrell, Moorcroft coordinator reported on changes to the Thorne Divide and Pine Ridge routes; the direction of the Pine Ridge route was changed so students do not have to cross the road when they are dropped off after school. He informed board members there are 80 students from the Pine Haven area who ride buses to attend school in Moorcroft.

FINANCIAL Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the financial reports. Motion carried.

BOCES Trustee Edwards gave a report about the July 18 BOCES meeting; she will share minutes with anyone who requests them; the next meeting is August 22. On July 17, Gillette had a severe hailstorm that did considerable damage to the BOCES roof and several vehicles.


PROGRAMS Sandra L. Neiman, Director of Special Education, said with school just starting, she would have more accurate information to share with the board next month after students and staff settle in.

PRINCIPALS Principals reported on enrollment, new hires, and the start of fall sports practices. Teresa Brown and Brian Hartwig thanked the board for adding one elementary counselor position in both Moorcroft and Sundance. Linda Wolfskill thanked the board for increasing the Hulett School counselor and nurse positions. These staff additions are greatly appreciated and very valuable to students and the other educators.

SUPERINTENDENT Mark Broderson, Superintendent, informed board members that:

o Golf practice started last week; football, volleyball, and cross country practices started today

o He wants to acknowledge Kelly Waugh for 22 years of service to the students of Crook County! Kelly retired from the Hulett School administrative assistant position in July. Principal Wolfskill will present Kelly with her acrylic retirement apple.

o Crook County Sheriff Jeff Hodge would like the schools to have a resource officer available ten hours each week. The leadership team has discussed this and will inform board members of a schedule when one is developed.

o He sent a letter to the Hulett, Moorcroft, and Sundance city police departments and the Crook County sheriff’s department inviting law enforcement personnel to eat a free meal in the school lunchrooms to give them an opportunity to interact with students

o Keyhole Country Club had concerns with the Moorcroft golf program; Dusty Petz, Moorcroft Activities Director, attended a country club board meeting to address the concerns; Mr. Broderson has all the written correspondence, if any board member wishes to review it.

o The August 12 all staff in-service presented by Jan Hoegh, Marzano Research, provided outstanding information

o The August 23 all-staff in-service will be provided by Gillette ACES (adverse childhood experiences) presenters

o The district has scheduled three days of Rachel’s Challenge presentations for students, staff, and community members: Tuesday, August 27, in Moorcroft; Wednesday, August 28 in Hulett; and Thursday, August 29 in Sundance. The goal for Rachel’s Challenge is to replace acts of violence, bullying, and negativity with acts of respect, kindness and compassion.

o The September 13 all staff in-service has Jan Hoegh back in the district for K-6 teachers; Officer Hunter Bradley of Spearfish, SD, will give a presentation to secondary teachers about vaping

o The sale of surplus items resulted in $1740 for buses, a 2004 pickup, tires, and iPad carts; no bids were received for any file cabinets. They will be offered to non-profit organizations.

o The last meeting of the Superintendent Evaluation Committee is August 22 at central office @ 4PM; Mr. Broderson feels the committee has made good progress and appreciates the time Trustees Waddell and Rathbun have spent helping create the evaluation piece


FACILITIES Randy Gill, Maintenance & Facilities Manager, gave an update on the status of various summer maintenance projects. He informed board members a decision will need to be made about the road surface for the road connecting the new Moorcroft HS parking lot to the Town of Moorcroft street.


SESSION Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Edwards to go into executive session at 6:29 PM to discuss confidential student information and possible litigation issues. Motion carried.


SESSION Vice-Chairman Gill called the meeting back into regular session at 7:08 PM.

VISITORS Jessica Donnell, Moorcroft parent:

o Said the upcoming Rachel’s Challenge presentations present a great opportunity to spread kindness among students and staff

o Encouraged the district to provide counseling for students after the two suicides which occurred within seven months in the Moorcroft community; she would like it to be a mental health counselor, not a guidance counselor. She feels suicide needs to be openly discussed.

o Asked the district to be proactive with students who have mental health issues

Doug Donnell, Moorcroft parent, read part of a line from Policy JLDBB Suicide Prevention with which he disagrees.

Diana Burian, Moorcroft patron, shared handouts from several sources and requested that the district provide a healthy environment for students.

Jeff Burian, Moorcroft patron, asked the district to treat kids with dignity and not to affirm alternative behavior.

RESPONSE Vice-Chairman Gill thanked Donnells for attending tonight’s meeting and expressed deep sympathy for their loss, both individually and on behalf of the board. He stated that the suicide prevention policy adopted by CCSD#1 came directly from the Wyoming School Boards Association website and is approved by WSBA legal counsel, as well as reviewed by CCSD#1 legal counsel. The CCSD#1 Board of Trustees believes the policy is appropriate. Vice-Chairman Gill stated the district will continue to seek out best practices and procedures.


AGENDA Vice-Chairman Gill asked if any board member would like any item removed from the Consent Agenda.

Trustee Rathbun asked to remove Item G, numbers 6, 7, and 8.

Motion was made by Trustee Edwards and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda, minus G6, G7, and G8.

To approve the bill listing and to issue warrants in payment thereof.

To appoint secondary principals as Official WHSAA Representatives for the 2019-2020 WHSAA Membership Resolution.

To approve the Dakota Bus Service transportation quote to bus students from Colony, WY, to Belle Fourche School District #9-1, at the rate of $2.50/mile for the 2019-2020 school year.

To approve the special education related services agreement with Northeast Wyoming BOCES for 2019 summer school.

To approve the resignation of Sara Bryant, Moorcroft K8 part-time custodian.

To approve 2019-202 hiring:

1. Anne Carlsen – Moorcroft K8 Elementary Counselor

2. Gail Mayer – Moorcroft K8 Part-time Custodian

3. Raymond Burger – Moorcroft K8 Part-time Custodian

4. Naomi Munch – Moorcroft K8 Custodian

5. Katherine Wiseman – Moorcroft Bus Route Driver

6. Katie Thomas – District Wide EWC Coordinator

To approve 2019-2020 extra-duty contracts:

1. Pat Reilly – Hulett HS Volleyball Coach

2. Shelly Olson – Hulett JH Volleyball Coach

3. Mary Hunter – Moorcroft HS Cross Country Coach

4. Arlie Hulm – Moorcroft HS Head Fall Golf Coach

5. Jenni Gill – Moorcroft JH Volleyball Coach




9. Non-Credit Community Education Outreach Coordinators:

a. Hulett Laurie Oster

b. Moorcroft Melissa Buckmiller

c. Sundance Todd Hickman

To approve 2019-202 out-of-state student attendance agreements:

1. Belle Fourche School District #9-1, South Dakota

2. Carter County District #56, Montana

To approve Moorcroft K8 teacher summer stipends:

1. Kinder Camp:

Shawna Fischbach Jaci Garrison Emily Bishop

2. Title One Reading Training:

Jaci Garrison LaNae Curr Mindi Woolsey

Gina Dewey Joy Sheehan Amber Burch

Lori Backen Linda Cote Shawna Fischbach

Courtney Bartell Alyson Nelson

To approve 2019-2020 requests to home school:

1. Ted & Sherri Davis

2. Dale & CheRae Fremont

3. Kaleb & Sarah Laatsch

4. Ryan & Candace Pfeil

5. Rodney & Tonya Throckmorton

6. Darby & Laura Whisler

7. Micaela Reeves

8. James & Lori Manning

9. Phillip & Tiffany Busenitz

10. Heather Haskell

To approve 2019-2020 isolation applications:

1. Lonnie & Cassie Bossman

2. Christine Campbell

3. Warren & Jackie Dailey

4. James & Lara Dirks

5. Justin & Charlee Kuhbacher

6. Chris & Stephanie Marchant

7. Charity Northup

8. Brittany Richard

9. Johnie & Julie Ridinger

10. Rene Shirley

11. Corby Ward

12. DJ & Natalie Wolfskill

13. Diana Wood

14. Ben & Lori Garman

Motion carried.

Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Mills to approve 2019-2020 extra-duty contracts:

1. Jade Keffeler – Moorcroft JH Football Coach (2/3 contract)

2. Travis Santistevan – Moorcroft JH Football Coach (2/3 contract)

3. Matt Albertson – Moorcroft JH Football Coach (2/3 contract)

Trustee Rathbun asked for the details of this particular recommendation. Supt. Broderson informed board members that there was a shortage of junior high football coaches in Moorcroft this season, so the three high school coaches offered to divide the duties and monies for the two budgeted positions. Motion carried.

BUS ROUTES As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Edwards to approve 2019-2020 bus routes as presented at the beginning of tonight’s meeting by the transportation coordinators. Motion carried.

SURPLUS As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Mills to declare eight (8) lab tables at Sundance Secondary School as surplus and to accept sealed bids for them. Principal O’Connor was asked about the lab tables; he said they were old and had been replaced with new ones. Motion carried.


POSITION As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve a new position for a transportation aide in Sundance. Supt. Broderson explained the purpose of the aide is to monitor high needs special education students during the time they are bussed to and from school, so the driver can focus on driving while the aide can tend to the needs of students. Motion carried.

RECOGNITION Crook County School Board members want to recognize the following for their performance or accomplishments.

o Thank you custodians, for the fabulous job cleaning the schools to get them ready for staff and students! We appreciate your efforts!

o Thank you, Kelly Waugh, for 22 years of service to the Hulett students and staff!

o Congratulations to Andrea Wood for receiving the Clara M. & Henry E. Jensen Outstanding Wyoming Teacher Award!

o Thank you, Deb Bush, for organizing the fall bus rodeo on August 12! This was an all-day training for the district’s bus drivers.

o Thank you, Lance Hofland and Jim O’Connor, for donating a day to move dirt and get the Sundance football field ready!



MENT Motion was made by Trustee Haiar and seconded by Trustee Williams to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 PM. Motion carried.

_____________________________ ______________________________

Chairman Clerk

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