Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
The Times
June 25, 1919
Sheriff Hurtt found it necessary to make some corrections of the conduct of a young man at Beulah last Saturday night. Complaints had previously reached Mr. Hurtt of the practice of too much rough talk for such a normally social and civilized place as Beulah.
Telephone report reached Sundance Tuesday evening that Carl Blatt had been shot through the leg in the neighborhood of the Blatt ranches on Prairie creek during the afternoon and Sheriff Hurtt was requested to proceed to the scene for investigation. Jon Berger is alleged to have done the shooting. Little is at present definitely known regarding the shooting, but it is said the weapon used was a rifle and that the wound is thought to be only a flesh wound, the victim being taken to Moorcroft for treatment at once.
75 Years Ago
June 29, 1944
A train load of German prisoners of war, destined to go to work in the fields of Belle Fourche Valley, arrived at Fruitdale Friday afternoon and were transported immediately to the old CCC camp near Orman dam where they will be housed while working in the area. The contingent included 94 men.
Installation of an air conditioner at the Elk Horn Café in Sundance was completed this Monday. This will be a much appreciated comfort for the patrons of the café during the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. John Prazma were the winners for the attendance prize at the annual Farmers Day Picnic in Sundance held Saturday; they came from the other side of Moorcroft, traveling 56 miles.
50 Years Ago
June 26, 1969
John Windsor and Ted Orr were elected to three-year terms on the School District No. 1 board during the board’s annual election Tuesday.
Dr. Gilbert Vondriska said this week that he will open his dental practice in Sundance July 7. He is presently completing his two-year tour of duty with the U.S. Army at Fr. Riley, Kans.
25 Years Ago
June 30, 1994
A check for $1100 has been presented to the city of Sundance for the street signing project. Sundance Lions Club gave $500 and Range Telephone, Sundance Cable TV and Tri-County Electric Assn. each gave $200. The street sign project was started in the late 1960s by the Sundance Lions club and completed some years later. The new signs will utilize the old signposts with city employees, Kiwanis Club and lions Club members helping with the project this summer.