Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

June 4

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

June 4th Regular Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 12:03 pm by Vice Chairman Ted Parsons at the Sundance USDA Service Center, 117 South 21st Street, Sundance, Wyoming.


Board: Ted Parsons, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer, Jennifer Hinkhouse (Call in), Wayne Garman

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (Call in)

Guests: NRCS District Conservationist Keela Deaton & FSA Susan Johnson


Guest Update

NRCS- Keela Deaton updated the Board on a concern between landowners and the Bureau of Reclamation. The Bureau will be installing fencing structures to identify public land boundaries and claim there is no intent to fence. Landowners see the fencing structures as the first step to fence out the public land. Tyler Lindholm has already written a letter in support of landowners. The Board was asked if they would like to write a letter. Ms. Hinkhouse recalls there may have been a similar issue in the past near Keyhole. Ms. Anderson will draft a letter to the Bureau of Reclamation inquiring about the NEPA analysis and request to be a cooperating agency. More research will be done before a comment letter is written.

Gabe Brown Tour Update The tour is scheduled to leave for North Dakota on June 14. The tour is June 15 and will return to Sundance that evening. There is a total of about 15 people attending. There has been lots of interest, but some have backed out due to weather.

FSA- Susan Johnson gave the Board an update. Their office is in the middle of crop acreage reports that are due July 15. The spring rains can bring losses such as water damage to pastures and fields that need to be reported within 15 days. Livestock losses continue after winter events and include losses due to hail, flooding, lightning, etc. and will still need to be reported. Nominations for local administrator elections are accepted from June 14th to August 1st. Only FSA participating owners and operators in the LAA will get to vote. The voting takes place in November.

Water Quality by Carmen-There were 9 applications after the last batching date April 25th. Two of those applicants have chosen to use EQIP funds, leaving 7 applicants. Carmen and Keela ranked those applications with a total cost of $90,525. Rankings will be shared at the next board meeting. Currently have $26,628 in unallocated funds prior to the April 25th round of applications. Carmen will look to see where else funds can be pulled from in other tasks.

WDA Water Grant Amendment-Ms. McIntyre would like Board approval to approach WDA for permission to apply funds from the 2018-2020 WDA grant to a new project. Funds for the Robinson project will not be used as he does not want to move forward at this time. Ms. McIntyre has identified two potential projects in Hulett that the funds could be shifted to. Both projects involve removing livestock off the Belle Fourche River by providing alternative watering sources, and like the original project, it will include some of the same practices to reduce cattle overwintering on the river. Mr. Parsons made a motion for Ms. McIntyre to transfer the funds to the new project. Seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried.

WQ Monitoring Season-Conservation Tech Update- Bobbie said if they do another round of funding, we might get it but there is still another applicant in front of us. The funding would be derived from more CSP dollars than EQIP; this may not be a good option for us since there are not as many CSP projects. Ms. Anderson will contact applicants for follow up, so they know the position has not yet been funded. A shared NRCS position would be helpful but we would need to come up with $10,500 match annually. It’s possible we could use WDA grant funds for this. Because we already have contracted help for this year, this will be tabled until next year at this time. We will continue to look for other funding sources.

RESPEC has begun the monitoring season. The first sampling date was marked with overbank conditions, but site conditions June 3rd were more conducive to sample collection.

Septic Remediation- Ms. McIntyre requested the Board increase the cost assistance rate. We have always funded on a county average. Research gathered showed an average cost of $8,000. A motion was made by Ms. Burget to increase the cost share from 50% up to $3,000 to 50% up to $4,000. Motion seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried.

Phase IV MST Task- closes in December. Discussion brought up locating subdivisions near impaired segments of the Belle Fourche river to find possible septic remediation projects and more sampling locations. We have already tested for livestock and wildlife sources. Mr. Parsons agrees it’s time to look for human sources. The consensus was to move forward in this direction. Sampling would take place later this summer in coordination with the University of Wyoming study.

Forest Health by Sarah- Bark Beetle Mitigation projects totaled 105 acres and 76 acres are completed. The remaining projects had to be extended from 5/31 to 10/31 but were encouraged to be done by 8/1. The communication has been great with the contractors.

We won’t know until fire season is over if there will be any more Bark Beetle Mitigation funding.

Wonder Community Update- This is mostly a NRCS/USFS project. The feedback has been great but most of the interest is in scrub oak and brush management. The treatment plan for this doesn’t line up well with the contract dates. Ms. Anderson contacted Weed & Pest and there is no cost share on the application that needs to be done for the scrub oak. Weed & Pest could get the treatment at a reduced rate. Weed & Pest does not apply the products, the landowner does.


Financial Voucher-Mr. Parsons made a motion to pay the bills as presented and verify correspondence with financial voucher for May expenses and deposits. Ms. Altaffer seconded the motion. Motion carried. All checks were signed.

Reconciliation Report-Mr. Parsons made a motion to approve the bank reconciliation report. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.

Mileage Reimbursement Request-Mr. Parsons makes a motion to allow reimbursement for Ms. Anderson’s travel for the Black Hills Resilient Forest Partnership meeting at 58 cents a mile. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.

Growth Links Bill-Discussion on the legitimacy of this bill occurred. It does not appear to be for our domain. We will not pay at this time. Mr. Parsons moved to table this. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried.

Gabe Brown Tour-The check to Gabe Brown for the tour was signed and will be delivered upon arrival. Drivers for the trip will be Keela and Carmen. Ms. Anderson contacted the insurance company to check on coverage for the drivers as the rental company doesn’t offer any insurance. Our insurance company will allow us to add an additional driver for the trip. The insurance company will need the van information to provide coverage, and the rental company is not able to tell us which vans will be used yet. It will cost the District several hundred dollars and we will not be covered for Loss of Use. Discussion ensued over possible alternatives. Mr. Parsons made a motion to remove the $250 cap for the Gabe Brown Ranch tour. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.

Approve Minutes

Mr. Parsons made a motion to approve the May 7th, 2019 Meeting Minutes. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried.

Ms. Altaffer made a motion to approve the May 29th, 2019 Special Budget Meeting Minutes. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.


Accounting-Ms. Burget made a motion to continue to use Deanna Edmondson to assist Ms. Helms with Quickbooks and District accounting. Ms. Altaffer seconded the motion. Ms. Helms can accrue up to $300 per month for assistance and is directed to approach the Board next month if more is needed. Motion carried.

MOU with Thunder Basin National Grassland-Mr. Parsons made a motion to sign the MOU. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.

Weed Identification Workshop Recap-The workshop had a good turnout. It was great to work with Weed and Pest, Wyoming Tree Farm and State Forestry.

Fair Presence-The Board would like the District to be represented at the County Fair. Ms. Helms will check with the fair office to learn more. The Board would like to be represented Friday and Saturday if possible.

Increase Tahoe Insurance-The Board discussed increasing coverage to include comprehensive to cover hail damage and wildlife. Currently we have liability. A motion was made by Ms. Burget to allow a purchase up to $250 for a cover for the Tahoe. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried. Ms. Altaffer will research possible options and contact the Board with what she finds.

Wyoming Water Association Membership-The Board has not been a member in the past and will not join this year.


A. Crook County Commissioners Meeting June 5, 2019 1:00 pm

B. Alternative Forages & Cover Crops Workshop June 11, 1-3pm Rapid City, SD

C. Gabe Brown Operation Tour June 14-15th Ms. McIntyre requested that the Board pay for Ms. McIntyre and Ms. Deaton’s hotel rooms on June 14 for the tour. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Garman and seconded by Ms. Burget. Motion carried.

D. Wyoming Water Association Summer Tour of Crook County Thursday, June 20th

a. Registration fee $35, includes catered lunch and tour transportation

E. Special meeting to close out Fiscal Year 2019 Scheduled for June 27th at 12:00 pm

F. Budget Hearing – Scheduled for July 3 at 12:00 pm

Other Business

Tahoe Paperwork-Ms. Helms and Ms. Anderson are instructed to handle the title, registration and license plates.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Burget at 2:13 pm

Office Manager Signature: _____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

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