Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


May 13



Regular Meeting


Roger Connett Darryl Baker

Chairman Vice-Chairman

May 13, 2019

Members Present: Members Absent: Visitors: Staff:

Chairman, Roger Connett Vice-Chairman, Darryl Baker Paul & Violet Smith Tim Lyons

Rodney Geil Joleen & Darren Hart

Mary Yemington Mark Erickson

Cody Galloway Dorothy Erickson

Bob Johnston

John Rongstad

Cecilia Rongstad

Greg Henderson

Matt Goodson

Bob Rhoades

Kim Norby

Joe Baron

Doug Stevens

Chairman, Roger Connett called to order the regular meeting of the Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission May 13, 2019 at 7:04 p.m.

Amend and Adopt the Agenda

Chairman, Roger Connett asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. Tim Lyons asked that the agenda be amended to add the request from the Board of County Commissioners for CCLUP&ZC to prepare a comment letter for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Boundary Delineation Projects at Keyhole Reservoir. Mary Yemington made a motion to adopt the amended agenda; Rodney Geil seconded, the motion which carried.

Approval of the Minutes

Chairman, Roger Connett asked if there were any additions or corrections to the April meeting minutes. Rodney Geil made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held April 8, 2019 as written; Cody Galloway seconded, the motion which carried.

Public Hearing – Elkhorn Subdivision

Chairman, Roger Connett opened the public hearing for the Elkhorn Subdivision at 7:08 p.m. and asked if there were any public comments from anyone attending the meeting. Tim Lyons stated that revised application materials had been received but staff had not had enough time to review the revised submittals. Tim Lyons explained what the revised submittal consisted of; and that the application included a variance request for building or improving the subdivision access road. Discussion was held between the Commission members, the Red Canyon Property Owners Association members and the applicant concerning the existing condition of the road and needed improvements. Discussion was held concerning how current and future fire and emergency services are provided for the Red Canyon Ranch Development. Joe Baron, Crook County Attorney stated that he also had not had time to review the submitted revised materials. He stated that there is an easement that was created through a private road action that is not shown on the revised plat; and that it should be shown. He also mentioned some other concerns about legal access across and through the USFS property and if there would be any limitations for improving this portion of the access road. Commission member Cody Galloway provided comments concerning items on the plat and disclosure statement that need to be addressed by the surveyor. Rodney Geil made a motion to deny the variance request; Mary Yemington seconded the motion which carried. Cody Galloway made a motion to continue the subdivision hearing; Rodney Geil seconded the motion which carried. Chairman, Roger Connett closed the public hearing for the Elkhorn Subdivision at 7:52 p.m.

Public Hearing – Heritage Acres Subdivision

Chairman, Roger Connett opened the public hearing for the Heritage Acres Subdivision at 8:03 p.m. and asked if there were any public comments from anyone attending the meeting. Joe Baron, County Attorney stated he had not had time to thoroughly review the submitted revised materials and mentioned that access between individual lots and highways are not allowed by the regulation. He also mentioned concerns about the shown public access easement, the provided legal description on the Disclosure Statement and the existing easements that are included in the Attorney’s Title Opinion. Discussion was held with the developer concerning the existing easements and access form US Highway 14 to the subdivision and individual lots. Cody Galloway and Tim Lyons mentioned that the plat needs some additional revisions. Mary Yemington made a motion to continue the subdivision hearing; Cody Galloway seconded the motion which carried. Chairman, Roger Connett closed the public hearing for the Heritage Acres Subdivision at 8:36 p.m.

New Business

Chairman, Roger Connett opened discussion concerning the Bureau of Reclamation’s Boundary Delineation Projects at Keyhole Reservoir. Discussion was held and Cody Galloway made a motion to allow Chairman, Roger Connett to respond to the Board of County Commissioners request for a comment letter; Rodney Geil seconded the motion which carried.


Mary Yemington made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Rodney Geil seconded, the motion which carried. The Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission regular monthly meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Next Regular Meeting

Monday, June 10, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Crook County Courthouse Jury Room, Sundance, Wyoming.

Timothy R. Lyons


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