Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
On Tuesday, May 13, the Bearlodge-Sundance FFA Chapter held their annual parent and member banquet. Awards were presented to the following members:
Star Greenhand awards were given to Nate Schommer and Dawson Flahaven.
Members receiving the Discovery Degree were Dillon Haugen, Jeral Nehl, Shane Tenke, Jameson Fleenor and Lexie Marchant.
Chapter Degree awards were given to: James Boswell, Teagan Marchant, Echo Miller, Breanna Ulmer,
Wyatt Gillespie, Peyton Ewing, Lane Hodge.
Scholarship Pins awarded to: Freshman Nate Schommer, Sophomore Teagan Marchant, Junior Josiah Rudloff, Senior Tanner Hofland.
2019-2020 Chapter Officers: President Kate Sell, Vice President Teagan Marchant, 2nd Vice President Laney Dungey, Secretary Echo Miller, Treasurer Logan Wilen, Reporter Nate Schommer, Sentinel Dawson Flahaven, Parliamentarian Cana McInerney.
Submitted by Nat Schommer, FFA Reporter